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On September 13th, the building housing Deborah and Trenton's apartment was destroyed
On September 13th, the building housing Deborah and Trenton's apartment was destroyed
when meteorites hit Galaxy City. Witnesses consider it unlikely that there are any
when meteorites hit Galaxy City. Rescuers subsequently discovered the bodies of Trenton
and Deborah's parents who had been visiting the couple, along with the shattered remains
of the Scarab of Darkness. Sayuri is still considered missing.

Revision as of 19:13, 17 September 2011

Sayuri Dusk crouch.jpg
Sayuri Dusk
Player: @Corlagon
Server: Zukunft
Origin: Originicon magic.png Magic
Archetype: Archetypeicon scrapper.png Scrapper
Security Level: Align Status Hero.png 24
Personal Data
Real Name: Deborah Day
Known Aliases: Yuri (nickname)
Vampire (spell, originally human)
Age: 20
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Variable, usually black or pastel blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States of America
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Santa Rosa, California, USA
Base of Operations: Galaxy City, Paragon City, USA
Marital Status: Attached
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Regeneration, flight, concealment, increased speed
Known Abilities
Katana, Scarab of Darkness
No additional information available.

Sayuri Dusk is a Heroic Scrapper on Zukunft. Her power sets are Katana and Regeneration.

As a teenager, she accidentally had herself magically turned into a "Japanese vampire heroine". It took her some time to come to terms with this, but her hero career proved more or less successful and she later acquired the ability to change between human and vampire form at will.

Mission Architect stories

Character History


Deborah Day was born on 1991-06-24 in Santa Rosa, California. When she began reading superhero comics as a child, her parents told her they were lowbrow and unrealistic, although they still allowed it. As a result, Deborah became a fan of super stories without actually taking them seriously, considering them camp in a good way.

One fateful evening in late March 2007, fifteen-year-old Deborah did not return home. What had happened? The teenager had looked through a garbage container on a whim and discovered a strange jar reminiscent of a genie bottle. Examining it, she released a small deity who had been imprisoned in it for decades and granted her a wish in return. Deborah didn't take the god seriously, but he insisted on demonstrating his thankfulness. To get rid of him, she finally said she wanted to be a Japanese vampire heroine. The being turned her into a katana-wielding vampire and left.

Deborah had not expected to be actually transformed, much less to become stuck in this form. Shocked, feeling too embarassed to return to her family, she spent the following weeks desperately but unsuccessfully looking for a way to become human again. It was later discovered that the transformation was, at least in theory, not permanent; the god had actually placed a persistent spell on her, but it was so powerful and/or elaborate that all attempts to dispel it failed.

Eventually, she was approached by an old man by the name of Kristopher Ash, who told her to accept her condition and be the heroine she had she wanted to be. Ash proceeded to train her how to take advantage of her vampiric traits and minimize the disadvantages, then told her some good places to start her hero career.


Defending freedom.

"Sayuri Dusk", as she now called herself, was still uncomfortable at the thought of returning to her family. Instead, she went to Paragon City, which not only appealed to her, but also happened to be located at the opposite side of the continent. She arrived in early May and had to deal with the usual prejudices against vampires and teenagers. But thanks to support from Freedom Corps she achieved several early successes, gaining confidence. Less than two months later, the Rikti resumed their attacks on the city. Immediately joining the battles, "Yuri" was invited by her comrades to join a supergroup, the Dragon Warriors. She subsequently befriended Lady Angel, another rookie heroine who had joined two days earlier and happened to possess empathic powers, gaining a much-needed feeling of security.

In 2008, the heroes discovered the Scarab of Darkness, an artifact made to absorb magic. It had already been "disarmed", but MAGI came up with a new application: They created a spell that Sayuri could cast to push her transformation spell into the amulet and become human again, then putting it back on later. In other words, she was now able to change between the two forms more or less at will. Contact with Deborah's parents had just been made, and she was happy to be able to live a normal life again. However, by this time she definitely intended to remain in the hero business and decided to stay in Paragon City, where she would finish school and, in 2011, enroll in Paragon University.

While Sayuri continued to fight for justice, her newfound social opportunities ultimately took priority. The Dragon Warriors' activity decreased as well, to the point where it became unclear whether the group still actually existed. By fall 2010, Sayuri was no longer considered a member.

In April 2010, fellow student Trenton Pollard discovered Deborah's secret identity, and promised not to reveal it if she agreed to go on a date with him. She did, and the two fell in love and moved in together in summer 2011.

On September 13th, the building housing Deborah and Trenton's apartment was destroyed when meteorites hit Galaxy City. Rescuers subsequently discovered the bodies of Trenton and Deborah's parents who had been visiting the couple, along with the shattered remains of the Scarab of Darkness. Sayuri is still considered missing.

Personality and Motivation

"Not on my watch!"

As a fan of superheroes, Sayuri Dusk has no problems doing her part to keep the city safe. It was her loss of humanity and the fact that many people believe vampires to be evil by nature that gave her a lot of headaches, although her successes and the assistance of other heroes allowed her gain more confidence.

With the ability to turn back to human, Deborah enjoys being a normal teenager again. Unfortunately, she has become somewhat lazy, and rarely goes heroine again when she is not being called or happening to witness a crime herself. This means she is no longer in the public eye, unfortunately allowing the prejudices against vampires to return.

Powers, Abilities and Equipment

In addition to the powers she acquired directly as part of her transformation, Sayuri Dusk is able to use some magic on her own, although she mostly does so subconciously.


In battle

As part of her transformation spell, Sayuri is proficient in kenjutsu, i.e. swordsmanship; it also created a katana out of nowhere. She also heals much faster than others, although she does not appear to drain her foes' energy as was originally thought.

Minor powers of hers include concealment and an increase in speed.


It must be noted that Sayuri Dusk is not a "natural" vampire, but has simply been turned into an apparent one by a persistent spell, so her traits are not necessarily identical to those of true vampires.

An example of her subconcious use of magic is minor shapeshifting. Sayuri grew wings during her early career, but is able to make them disappear in an instant when they do not fit her current outfit; her hair color is also known to change accordingly. However, she is still able to fly with magic alone.

It is unknown whether Sayuri is able to spread her vampirism to others. MAGI may have this information but is likely to keep it secret in order to protect her public image.

Thanks to a spell created by MAGI, Yuri is able to go back to her human form as long as she carries the Scarab of Darkness to contain the spell that transformed her. Again, what would happen if the spell was released without Yuri being nearby is unknown or classified.


Traditional vampire weaknesses such as sunlight do not seem to apply to Sayuri Dusk, escpecially due to Kristopher Ash's training, although she did have to wear sunscreen until she had built enough willpower. The spell on her might also contain some "security holes" of its own.

Sayuri drank animal blood at first, until she learned about other, more socially acceptable ways to feed.


Lady Angel and Sayuri Dusk in battle.


  • Lady Angel – A fellow heroine and a good friend of Sayuri Dusk.


