Shadow of the Storm (Pinnacle Supergroup)

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Shadow of the Storm is a private supergroup founded on the Pinnacle server in Issue 3. Founding members included Agent Snow and Therra Arcson. It is a casual group with some RP focus, though not a heavy one.


This is a private group. Membership is by invitation. Older members may be grandfathered in. All related groups, as well as this one, are currently run primarily by the player of Therra Arcson who has not expanded membership in some time.

Other information

This is the initial group for Shadow of the Storm. Branch groups were founded on multiple other servers, often under the same name.

Other, new groups may at times be offered coalitions so they can use Shadow of the Storm's zone teleporters while they build themselves up. Generally this is offered by Memphis Bill when he hears of it, depending on coalition room and the request. This can be rescinded at any point by either party.

Related supergroups



Shadow of the Storm


Shadow of the Storm


Shadow of the Storm


Shadow of the Storm


Storm Sentinels


Shadow of the Storm Consortium of Alchemical Theologians


Shadow of the Storm


Storm Sentinels