Physics Lass (Guardian)

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Physics Lass
Player: @K26dp




Super Group:

The House of Emerald Strumpets

Personal Data
Real Name:

Tia Inara



Date of Birth:

November 30, 1978


5' 2"


125 lbs.

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Biographical Data

Duel British/U.S. Citizen


Physicist, Inventor

Place of Birth:

London, England

Base of Operations:

Paragon City, Rhode Island

Marital Status:


Additional Data
Known Powers:

Power derived from experimental gravity control gauntlets powered by bio-chemical battery incorporated into her armored suit.

  • Gravity Control
  • Storm Summoning
  • Primal Forces Mastery
Known Abilities:
  • Incarnate Abilities:
    • Alpha: Nerve
    • Judgement: Ion
    • Destiny: Clarion
    • Lore: Storm Elementals
Known Equipment:

Gravity control gauntlets, armored suit, plasmatic taser, Nemesis staff

[ Source ]

Physics Lass overcharges her suit to take on Nemesis


Dr. Tia Inera always had to prove herself to her collegues in theoretical physics who dismissed her because of, and were intimidated by her extremely attractive appearance. Determined to make a lasting contribution to her field, she went away from traditional physics applications and threw herself into mechanical gravity manipulation. Before her 26th birthday, she developed her own personal gravity manipulation devices. She also discovered these same devices, when used with precision, could manipulate the very air particles into creating "weather". She now adventures in Paragon City as Physics Lass, as much as an extended experiment in application of her ideas as for arresting the bad guys.

Physics Lass first joined the supehero group the League Of Extraordinary Gentlefolk. During an adventure, she accidentally opened up a wormhole in space/time that connected with a similar wormhole opened from a parallel Earth, opened by the hero GR3731-O69‎. Physics Lass was pulled into the wormhole and found herself on that parallel world, one that was almost an exact copy of the one that she left behind. She joined the supergroup House Of Emerald Strumpets, but does not particiapte in the team's undercover activities. Instead, she works on improving the team's technical systems in their hidden base of operations.

Physics Lass hangs out in Ouroboros


Physics Lass often comes across to others as cold and uncaring at first. However, most people that spend time with her discover that she is simply very focused on her work, which has greatly expanded humanity's knowledge of the physical forces of the universe. Her work on gravity has put her in consideration for the Nobel Prize. Ironically, she is stymied by both her refusal to play the political games often required for greater recognition and her well-publicized practical use of her gravity control in super-heroics.

Despite her reserve, Physics Lass finds herself physically attracted to fellow Strumpet associate Fistocles. When Physics Lass does go on assignment, she often works the duty roster to patrol with Fistocles.

Current Status

Though a member of the House Of Emerald Strumpets supergroup, Physics Lass does not condone or participate in the group's public activities, instead using her formidable techincal expertise to enhance the team's headquarters and other tech-based heroes. In particular, she has helped enhance the functions of GR3731-O69‎, who now ranks as one of the supergroup's most formittible heroes.

Templar agent Tia "Physiks" Inara defends Kingsmouth church

Alternate Dimensions

In an alternate dimension where hidden rival global factions attempt to keep the public safe and unaware of a secret world of otherworldly evil, a physicist named Dr. Tia Inara awakens one morning to discover that she can tap into the anima power of the Earth. Recruited by the secret society known as the Templars and taking on the codename Physiks, Dr. Inara is now a super-powered foot-solider, fighting to keep an unspeakable darkness from consuming an unsuspecting world.