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Asia "Blackbird" Zantosa


Hero Name: Asia Zantosa
Aliases: Blackbird
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Force Field
Secondary: Sonic Attack
Other Powers: Fitness, Flight, Medicine, Teleportation
Security Level: Level 38
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye: Blue
Hair: Black
Group Affiliation: The Dark Astoria Foundation
Education: High School
Occupation: Field Sergeant
Place of Birth: Moldova, formerly the U.S.S.R.
Hometown: Chişinău
Marital: Single


Born in oppressive, highly misogynistic Chişinău, Asia's method of "escape" manifested along with puberty: She developed the ability to fly at high speeds, and developed force fields to protect herself from the drag. A secondary mutation appeared a few years later, allowing Asia to shatter glass and rupture ear drums by shrieking.

A "talent scout" looking to form a team of teenage sidekicks for the Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators took notice of Asia when news of her noisy, supersonic flight from ex-KGB agents spread, and Asia lept at the chance to escape her home country to see the world.

Asia took to the teenage sidekick life well, learning the skills of the trade from luminaries like Manticore and the Swan. When Asia turned 20, however, she and her fellow sidekicks were rotated out in favor of a younger crew.

Asia took to freelance work as an international courier, catering to rich clientele with highly sensitive (and highly sought-after) packages. It was while performing her duties that she came to the attention of Felicity Bane, and she was soon recruited into the ranks of the Dark Astoria Foundation.

Current Status

Asia now works full-time as a Field Sergeant for the DAF, commanding agents in the field and leading the charge in heavy skirmishes with the Banished Pantheon and others. For one week a month, Asia assists the Vanguard in the Rikti War Zone.


Asia is a daredevil and a speed demon, and it shows in her personality. She's carefree, fun-loving, and prone to partying to excess after a successful mission.

She is also a genuinely warm person, and makes friends easily. As such she still retains many friends within the Freedom Phalanx, the Vindicators, Vanguard, and other affiliated groups. Though she is outgoing, her time as a courier taught her the art of discretion.


The player behind Asia can be found in-game and on the forums as @Ringwood.