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Name: Mikaela LaCroix
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Invulnerability
Secondary: War Mace
Other Powers: Fitness, Leaping
Security Level: Level 33
Age: 32
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black (currently shaved)
Group Affiliation: The Dark Astoria Foundation
Occupation: Manbo
Place of Birth: Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Marital: Engaged


Mikaela comes from a long line of manbos (voodoo priestesses) who serve the Baron LaCroix, an aspect of Baron, the loa of the dead and sexuality. Like her mother and grandmother before her, Mikaela was raised specifically to fill this position, and from a very early age was taught the hierarchies and worship of the facets of Baron and Ghede. She assumed her role as manbo at age 14, and has since served Baron LaCroix directly, ministering both to him and to a small group of worshippers who became her congregation.

Mikaela may very well have lived out her life in Haiti, if the Baron had not caught word of an illness seeping out of Paragon City. That illness was the slowly rising power of Lughebu, the Banished Pantheon god of death—characterized by the Baron as Ghede Zaranye, a rogue loa who’s lost his sense of balance.

Mikaela soon emigrated to Paragon City at the Baron’s behest, and soon after hooked up with Felicity Bane, Julia Wells, and Amanda Graham to tackle the problem in Astoria. Mikaela, made invincible by the power of the Baron and wielding a large mace (historically a gardening tool made into a weapon of war, symbolizing the “fertility to death” transition of the Baron himself), Mikaela was an ideal front-line fighter for the group. The Baron was likewise able to offer insight into countering Lughebu.

When what became the Dark Astoria Foundation found out that the spiritual unrest in Salamanca was caused by the Banished Pantheon, Mikaela volunteered to set up shop there. Mikaela has been quite successful in her efforts: she has managed to strike an uneasy alliance with both the Catholic parish and the Cabal and, by extension, the Fir Bolg. Their efforts are now directed against the Red Caps, and the town’s previous slide into spiritual oblivion is gradually being pushed back.

Current Status

Mikaela now oversees and maintains a small group of followers who serve the Baron, culled from the PCU Occult Studies Annex. Though this causes some tension with the more conservative citizens of Salamanca, the town has deemed her too valuable to oust. She currently lives in a small cabin just outside the main town, with her fiancée and newborn son Damien.


Mikaela has many of the same personality traits as the Baron for which her family line is named: she is earthy, witty, existential about death, and (until her pregnancy) a great lover of pepper-spiced rum, cigars, and dancing.

She is also a very maternal woman, and her charges love her like a mother. Mikaela is a controversial woman in Salamanca due to who she represents and how her lifestyle conflicts with that of the town, but those who know her personally often fall at least a little in love with her.


The player behind Mikaela can be found in-game and on the forums as @Ringwood.