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Patron X


Matthew Winters, a mutant also known as Patron X, is associated with the Duchesne Foundation and the Duchesne Institute for the Advanced Development and Education of Mutants, or DIADEM. Matthew primarily works for the Duchesne Foundation, but he also consults with GIFT on matters of importance involving dangerous mutants. Matthew formed Foundation X in 2008, a Duchesne funded private security company that hires mutants as consultants to protect the Duchesne Foundation's interests.


In 1998 Matthew Winters was thirteen when his mutant powers first manifested. Where many mutants have powers they have some instinctive level of control when they display themselves for the first time, Matthew was not so fortunate. Matthew's hands erupted into explosive forces of energy, causing significant damage to his home and an equal amount of trauma to himself, his parents, and neighbors. Matthew was unable to turn off his power on his own, which was believed to be due to his panic, but even after GIFT and Longbow agents safely sedated Matthew with his parents' permission they were shocked to find that his deadly, explosive, and radiating hands were still pulsating with raw energy at full force. Matthew spent several months at a GIFT facility, during which time Crey Industries was contracted to design a pair of gauntlets that could safely contain the energies that his hands were emitting. When Matthew was finally able to keep his powers restrained, GIFT ensured that he received counseling to cope with his new ability.

In 2001 Matthew was still in GIFT's custody when he befriended a young mutant named Charles Duchesne, the son of billionaire philanthropist Victor Duchesne. Charles was developing a powerful precognative ability, but he was not adapting well to his new condition and was experiencing severe nightmares and horrible visions of a future that was to come. Charles would draw pictures of his visions at Matthew's request, images that in retrospect fortold the coming of the Rikti only a year later. During that year Matthew looked after Charles in the manner that an older brother protects his younger sibling, and the two teenagers developed a close friendship. Matthew understood better than most that some mutant abilities are extremely dangerous and unpredictable, and this fact allowed him to empathize and understand Charles more than the personnel at GIFT ever could. Victor Duchesne was humbled by Matthew's compassion for Charles and soon considered him as one of the Duchesne family.

The First Rikti War

When the Rikti first began their assault on Paragon City, Matthew was with the Duchesne family as they were preparing to evacuate. Victor Duchesne placed his wife Amanda and their son Charles on a private helicopter to make their way out of the city, but Victor chose to remain behind to help GIFT with their needs. Matthew, not quite a superhero, chose to remain with Victor as Rikti dropships began descending over the city. Both Matthew and Victor watched in horror as the helicopter carrying Amanda and Charles Duchesne to safety was blasted in a fiery explosion by a burst of Rikti cannonfire. Matthew was able to bring Victor to safety and into the protective custody of older GIFT mutants, but when they were escorting Victor through the city they were swarmed by Rikti invaders.

Matthew recalls some of the mutants who died that day trying to protect him and Victor Duchesne. These mutants were able to give Matthew enough time to escape into the city's sewer systems, but not until after they were exposed to high levels of radiation from an exploding Rikti bomb. Matthew's mutant physiology enabled him to survive the exposure without harm, and his radiation sickness only lasted a few days. Victor Duchesne was not so fortunate. For several months after the Rikti War ended, Victor spent time recovering from his exposure and nearly died from the experience. His body became lethargic, many of his organs failed, and all of his body hair withered away. Victor's recovery was miraculous. Despite his hair returning bleached prematurely white and his reproductive systems sterilized, Victor was alive and well, and to his surprise he was developing superhuman abilities that enabled him to control gravitational fields and energies. Matthew remained by Victor's side during his entire recovery.


After Victor recovered from his sickness he developed a purpose for his philanthropic efforts. In 2003 the Duchesne Foundation began directing more of its funds into research programs designed specifically for superhumans and especially for mutants. Although these programs were similar to those used by GIFT and SERAPH, Victor's programs and insights into the nature of superhumans expanded upon and developed them even further. The result of Victor's efforts was called the Duchesne Institute for the Advanced Development and Education of Mutants, or DIADEM. This privately funded institution was developed particularly for the needs of mutants, and has been the model for many similar institutions and organizations afterwards. Matthew was the first official student enrolled with DIADEM and was instrumental in helping Victor design and implement a variety of programs and simulations to help mutants control and utilize their powers to their maximum potential.

Matthew graduated from DIADEM in 2008 with a B.S. in Engineering. Matthew needs to rely upon technology in order to contain his powers, and he has turned this dependency into a passion for all manners of technological research. Matthew also worked closely with the Paragon City Police Department on a number of mutant-related cases, and was able to spend enough time training with private security contractors hired by the Duchesne Foundation.

Foundation X

With the guidance of Victor Duchesne Matthew founded a new program for mutants in July of 2008. This program is called Foundation X, a program where mutants would work directly for the Duchesne Foundation as superpowered security consultants. Their objectives are to protect Duchesne's corporate and private interests, as well as to defend mutants from those who would harm them. Foundation X also has another purpose, to be the first to respond when dangerous mutants are discovered, whether they are unfortunate mutant teenagers who cannot control their powers or if they are mutant criminals lashing out at innocents and property.


Matthew was asked by Victor Duchesne to look into the matter of Danica King's disappearance and apparent abduction from DIADEM. Matthew new Danica somewhat, although they never developed a very close and personal relationship. Knowing that Danica came from a foster home, when she disappeared even Matthew was convinced that she could have possibly run away. When her foster parents' home was discovered to be burned to the ground, apparently from an electrical fire and faulty wiring, Matthew couldn't help to believe that perhaps Danica was involved. The death of her foster parents was also suspicious, and although Danica has not been charged with murder and she is not currently a suspect Matthew suspected that maybe, perhaps maybe she should have been.

In 2008 Danica returned with a story that DIADEM is nothing but a front for mutant experimentation, that she was kidnapped from her dorm room as she slept and held for years against her will in a secret facility beneath Paragon City. Matthew is certain that, although she may have been kidnapped, DIADEM is absolutely not a front for anything sinister or illegal. Matthew has spent too much time at DIADEM to believe that the institute is involved in the activities Danica claims they are; he has too much faith in the good the institute has offered many young mutants, himself included.

Matthew is personally looking into the Protocol X incident that Danica King claims she was involved in. The biggest obstacle Matthew faces, however, is Danica herself. Danica refuses to speak with anyone associated with or representing DIADEM, and she doesn't yet trust GIFT or Squadron X enough to reveal everything she may know to them. Matthew is hoping that Danica will one day speak with him, but in the meantime he has turned his investigation into identifying the woman known as Director X, the one allegedly responsible in whole or part for the Protocol X program.


Energy Blasts

Matthew's hands are truly lethal weapons, as they constantly emit powerful auras of energy that disrupt, damage, or otherwise destroy anything he attempts to touch. Only through the specialized gauntlets that Matthew wears is he able to safely contain these energies. The gauntlets also enable Matthew to focus these energies into blasts of energy. These blasts can be further refined from low-powered concussive blasts to high-powered lethal bursts of energy.


Matthew does not possess multiple inherent mutant powers, but what he lacks in genetic mutations he more than makes up for with a variety of technological devices in his arsenal. Matthew builds nearly everything he uses, from web grenades and tasers to targeting drones and cloaking devices.

Leadership Training

Matthew is also a natural leader, and he has received several years of leadership training and development while he studied at DIADEM. When Matthew works with a team he is able to effectively coordinate their actions to their best potential, inspiring his teammates to continue in their efforts and leading them to victory despite the adversities they face.