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Marchion is a member of Foundation X (Virtue Supergroups) and works in Paragon City as a security consultant. He is a graduate from DIADEM (Virtue Supergroups) and still maintains close ties with the institute. Although Marchion was never arrested for any juvenile crimes during his youth, he has childhood friends and associates who are currently serving time for gang related activities in New York. Through them Marchion may have some sources of information into organized gang activities such as the Bloods, the Latin Kings, and MS-13.


Mitchell Rhodes grew up in the Bronx, and prior to the first Rikti War he was a tough street kid who could have possibly wound up on the wrong side of the law. Mitchell developed mutant abilities when he was 16, an ability to generate fields of raw energy from his hands. Mitchell could not project these energies across a distance, but by charging his hands with energy he could demolish or rend apart anything he touched, grabbed, or struck. Mitchell's body also became more resistant to harm, and by charging his entire body with energy he could significantly increase his resilience to all manners of injury; punches, knives, bats, even bullets would all lose their effectiveness against his supercharged body.

Mitchell's father was an abusive man, and he was in and out of jail during most of his childhood. This left Mitchell largely in the care of his mother. To her regret Mitchell was running with several other men his own age when he was 16, most of whom were already initiates into the Bloods. A few distant friends of Mitchell's were also affiliated with Latin gangs such as the Latin Kings and MS-13. Fortuantely for Mitchell and his mother, he only knew some of these budding young criminals and never participated in any of their initiations or illegal activities. When Mitchell's mother discovered that he son was now a mutant, she feared that he would become a superpowered criminal, and the first phone call she made was to GIFT.

Mitchell was taken to Paragon City in 2002, shortly before the first Rikti War began. Although Mitchell survived while in GIFT's custody his parents did not; Mitchell's father was released from jail only days before the Rikti invaded Earth, and both of his parents died during the invasion. The death of his parents changed Mitchell's life forever; he regretted letting his mother down, and he also never had an opportunity to help his father become a better man or to have a son he could be proud of. To better cope with his loss, Mitchell left GIFT for several months to reflect upon his own life and to find a new purpose for himself.


While Mitchell was at GIFT he made friends with another young mutants named Matthew Winters. Matthew had a power similar to Mitchell's; he could also create energy from his hands but he lacked an ability to control them. Matthew wore specialized gauntlets that helped him to contain the raw energies, as well as to focus them into powerful beams of various intensities. The two young mutants seemed to be a natural pair; Matthew could project energy blasts across considerable distances, while Mitchell could rend apart anything he came into contact with.

When Mitchell dropped out of GIFT it was Matthew who went looking for him. Matthew was already working with Victor Duchesne (Virtue) in the aftermath of the Rikti War, and they were determined to help the next generation of mutants to have a good foundation for learning how to best use their powers for the greater good. Matthew convinced Mitchell to come with him to DIADEM rather than return to GIFT, promising him that DIADEM would be a place where Mitchell would do more than find a purpose for his life - he could help other mutants find a purpose for theirs as well.

Mitchell graduated from DIADEM in 2008 with a B.S. in Criminal Justice. Although he is not a law-enforcement officer he frequently works with the Paragon Police Department as a security consultant. Mitchell is also a member of Foundation X (Virtue Supergroups) and now goes by the heroic identity of Marchion.



Mitchell can supercharge his body with raw energy, enabling him to become extremelt resistant to bodily injury and harm. It is not fully understood how he can do this, but doctors theorize that he may be able to draw ambient radiation or cosmic energies from the atmosphere and channel them into protective fields around him. These energies can protect Mitchell from physical damage from punches, kicks, knives, bullets, projectiles, and other hurled objects such as cars or boulders tossed at him by superhuman beings. Mitchell can also use these energies to resist damage from various forms of energy such as heat and fire, cold and ice, temperature extremes, and focused energy and radiation blasts. Mitchell does not appear to be able to use these energies to reduce the effects of psychic abilities, leaving him vulnerable to mind control or psionic attacks.

Energy Punches

Using these same energies, Mitchell can focus them into his fists for spectacular effects. When his fists are charged Mitchell can punch, grab, or smash an object with superhuman force, quickly destroying, breaking, rending, or otherwise demolishing it. The effects this has on living creatures is potentially fatal. Fortunately for Mitchell he can control precisely how much energy he uses when striking an object.