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The Emerald Witch conducting research at MAGI headquarters


The Emerald Witch maintains close ties with GIFT and MAGI. Although she is a mutant, the Emerald Witch has an innate affinity for magic and she spends most of her time working with Azuria and other representatives of MAGI. The Emerald Witch is a current member of the New Alpha Flight, a super group commissioned by the Canadian government who has representatives in Paragon City.


Nicole Weller comes from an affluent family in New Zealand, the descendant of a line of prestigious men and women whose loyalty to the British Empire dates back to the 18th Century. The Wellers still have extensive holdings in the United Kingdom, and through the centuries Nicole's family have acquired additional lands in both Australia and New Zealand.

At a young age Nicole was drawn to the archaeological and historical work her father was engaged in, and she seemed to be able to understand just about anything she was taught or read. As a natural prodigy, Nicole quickly grasped advanced concepts and theories in mathematics, science, engineering, and languages and she was self-taught in every subject. By her early teens Nicole was actually confirmed to be a mutant whose sole superhuman ability was an extremely vast intellect and a flawless memory.

What fascinated Nicole, however, were the magical artifacts her father often researched and unearthed for MAGI. By the time most children her age were graduating high school Nicole was working full time with her father deciphering ancient codes and analyzing magical artifacts for MAGI. With Nicole's innate affinity for magical knowledge it was inevitable that she learned how to actually use magic, and she specialized her studies in the fields of time, space, reality, and dimensions. Nicole graduated from Oxford University a year later with a degree in archaeological studies, but only because her father wanted her to have an actual college degree; she didn't really need it.

Nicole is currently in Paragon City


Reality Manipulation

Through her understanding of magic Nicole can actually manipulate the forces of reality and perception. To the untrained eye it appears that Nicole's powers are illusory in nature, but in fact she manipulates and bend reality to her will in order to achieve whatever affect she desires. Some of the effects Nicole uses are tearing the very fabric of space and time in order to release brilliant flashes of light, which she can use to painfully blind opponents. Nicole can also inflict harm upon targets simply by changing reality itself, causing living targets to temporarily age or experience pain and inanimate objects to rot, rust, melt, or otherwise fall apart. Although she has yet to publicly display further abilities, Nicole can feasibly do whatever she wishes and should be able to achieve effects such as flight, teleportation, time travel, and interdimensional travel.

The full potential of Nicole's abilities remain unknown, but researchers at GIFT have come to at least one conclusion; Nicole can probably think anything or anyone into or out of existence through the use of her magical abilities. This alone makes her perhaps one of the most dangerous beings on the planet.

Contact Information

The Emerald Witch may be contacted on Guardian by e-mail using her name, Emerald Witch. Her global channel that is valid across all servers is @Major Paragon.