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Revision as of 07:13, 30 May 2010

[[Image: |300px|]]
Ice Nix
Player: Lynx
Character Data
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Information
Real Name: Nixie Tovair
Known Aliases: Ice Nix
Species: Human
Age: Seventeen
Height/Weight: 5'1"/115lbs.
Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Blond with blue bangs
Citizenship: United Kingdom
Current Residence: The World
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Mother and Father
Known Powers
Control and Manipulation of Ice
Training / Abilities

Archetypeicon blaster.png Personality Archetypeicon blaster.png

Nix has an okay attitude, having been quarantined from most people after her Year Eight incident. She is not a heart-warming person, but she is not a cold heartless bitch either. She has trouble getting close to anyone for fear of turning someone completely into ice or doing something wrong. She had a slightly apathetic feel to everyone and everything after the Year Eight incident, not wanting to talk to anyone. She kept up this act for a long time, almost two years, it wasn't until her parents couldn't stand this anymore and sent her away to a family friend. There she was cold and distant and didn't want to talk to anyone. She locked herself in her room, using ice so he couldn't get into the room. Eventually she was coaxed out of it, the need for food was greater than the need to stay away from people. Over the next few months he was able to get to know her, and she opened up about her fears of the powers that started appearing. Instead of taking advantage of her, the family friend heard her out and talked to her about it.

Over the next two years she became friends with him, and he helped her overcome her fears of her powers and control them somewhat. Nix hadn't turned into a happy go lucky girl, but she was happy with where she was in life. She smiled more often than whenever she was with her parents. As far as she knew the family friend was her dad, and she wouldn't have anything any other way.

Nix is fiercely loyal to people who are willing to befriend her, but she's not easy to befriend. She has trusts issues with just about everyone out there, grown-ups, teenagers. Doesn't matter who you are it takes awhile for her to believe that what you are doing is good, and beneficial to her. Nix isn't out for herself, but she does like it when something benefits her. Whenever she's angry, or seriously upset, her powers start to go out of whack. The room will start to cool down, and frost might even begin to build up on her skin. Nix hates it when her powers start to take control of her, which just makes everything worse.

Originicon mutation.png Powers & Abilities Originicon mutation.png

Nix has control and can manipulate ice, and cold temperatures. Her body has been naturally colder since she was nine years old, causing problems whenever she needs to visit he doctor for a check-up. She doesn't have problems with the cold, and can survive in way below freezing temperatures. It took time to come up with this immunity though, and not without being cold at first, and then adapting to it. Normally Nix's body temperature is only a little below normal peoples body temperature. Whenever she becomes angry or upset, even the littlest influence her body temperature begins to cool down more, and the cold air will seep off of her body. Depending on how upset or angry she is her body may develop frost, or even ice. So far her body hasn't turned to ice even in the slightest. Though she has been trying to push herself towards it. Once she has been upset the air around her may turn into a mist. The ground she is standing on will start to ice over if she is upset or angry enough.

Nix, though frustrated at the time, has exhibited being able to throw ice and mist at someone, and since the initial incident has been able to control this somewhat. She can shoot a stream of ice and mist out of her hand and freeze the floor, the walls, anything. If she's touching something she can create an ice coating, and she has been working towards turning the whole thing into ice.

Warm temperatures have bothered Nix for awhile since she started exhibiting her colder nature. Though her body normally attempts to cool her down to adjust her body. She has had feinting spells while in direct sunlight though, and tryst to stay out of highly heated rooms. Just as she has been trying to adapt her body to cold temperatures she has been trying to see how long it takes before she will pass out in the sun or highly heated rooms.

Archetypeicon blaster.png Background Archetypeicon blaster.png

Nixie was born in Berlin, Germany to a German mother and an English father. She grew up in a sea town in England for the first few years of her life. For the most part of her life she had a happy childhood. Both her parents loved her, and she got pretty much anything she wanted. Nix didn't haven't any older siblings, and as far as she knows now she still doesn't have any younger siblings. When she was nine years old her powers came into formation. She started cooling down the room while throwing a temper-tantrum in front of her dad. When he grabbed her to shake her to calm her down he realized how cold she was. She was as cold as the dead but still alive. Instead of yelling at her, he tried to calm her down. It took a bit of time, but her body started to heat back up. When she opened her eyes her dad noticed that her once brown eyes were now ice blue.

Three years later Nixie had another incident, this time she was in her Year Eight English class. She was only trying to explain to the teacher that she was not the person who beat up one of the kids in the courtyard earlier that day, but the teacher was having none of it. Nix threw down her hands in frustration and ice and mist shot from her hands. Kids screamed, and the teacher hurriedly rushed them all out of the class room. An hour later Nix was heading home and never returned back to school. From then on Nix was home schooled, and she liked it better that way. She loved learning from her parents instead of from teachers that she thought were inadequate. However things were not all sunshiny and rosy. Nix was having trouble controlling the shooting of ice and mist from her hands, and any room she was in for too long became pretty cold. After two years of having to deal with this, her parents shipped her off to one of their friends who had been her dad's best friend since secondary school. He lived in a seaside villa in Wales.

Nixie was fourteen when she arrived there, and it didn't start off well. She locked herself in the room he alloted her and didn't come out for two days. Finally becoming hungry she came out and fixed her something to eat. Eventually she started coming our during meal times, and he tried talking to her. It took her awhile, but she finally opened up to him. She told him about her powers and how she was afraid that they might consume her one day if she didn't start trying to control them. He heard her out, and instead of taking advantage of her, he told her he would help her try and keep her powers under control. They had regular exercises to let her get a feel of her powers, he also kept her up to date on her schoolings.

While out in the town for shopping, Nixie had heard about a city where there were people like herself doing good things for people. Nixie approached her guardian about it, and they discussed that she was able to go there if she would continue her schooling. She agreed and thus we begin this tale.

Originicon mutation.png Friends & Enemies Originicon mutation.png

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Ice Nix is on Virtue