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An ageless Hero, unbounded from his homeworld by fate and lost in the Winds of Time, this man wanders the multiverse in search of something every sentient life form wonders - who he is.

Though he cannot remember where he came from, nor how he became detatched from the space-time continuum, he nevertheless hunts tirelessly for his past, in search of a home that may or may not exist, and helping those he can on his meandering path through existance.

Paragon Dossier

Physical Characteristics

Hero Name: The Blade in the Winds
Legal Name: Unknown/None
Nick Name: Blade
D.O.B.: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Nationality: Alien (Multidimensional Human)
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight: ~150 lbs.
Eye Colour: Steely blue.
Hair Colour: Black
Distinguishing Marks: None

Power Profile


Blade's most noteworthy abilities are his namesake martial skills with the katana, and his incredible agility - physically and mentally - which make him both a deadly and elusive combatant.

Supernatural Powers

Though it can hardly be called a power, Blade does have one very unusual supernatural trait. He exists outside the space-time continuum. He cannot unnaturally travel through time (except by the 'conventional' means of Ouroboros and the Midnight Squad), but the natural passage of time holds no bearing on him; he does not age, and he does not need to eat, drink, or sleep (though he is capable of both, and usually does just to feel more normal). He 'slips' through dimensional barriers unaided and with incredible ease - but he doesn't do so willingly or intentionally, it just happens. This led to his vagabond nature, roaming wherever he finds himself each day, looking for answers, and helping people when he can. Unusually, however, he has felt more 'anchored' since waking up one day in Paragon City. Also resulting from this trait is a heightened perception of temporal/dimensional anomalies.

Origin of Powers

Blade's martial prowess and super reflexes are natural - the result of intense training. He has no memory of how or why he has these skills, but nevertheless keeps them honed and sharp, useful as they are.

The source of his temporal discontinuity is unknown.

Psychological Profile

"The Blade in the Winds," is a rather philosophical, wholly open and honest, and generally benevolent man. He finds solace in philosophy, because he needs the belief that all things are meaningful and purposeful in order to accept his own fate. He never feels a need to lie, because he has no secrets to conceal. He is compelled to aid those in need, because he understands how it feels to be truly helpless.

He describes himself as being, "standing still, lost in the Winds of Time," which led him to choose his moniker. Blade has no memory whatsoever of his original life; his earliest memories, vague blurs of what he assumes to be the events causing him to be removed from the time stream. It is his theory that his condition is either the result of his amnesia, or the cause of it.

Being a visitor on Primal Earth (having arrived approximately two weeks prior to joining the Codex), Blade has virtually no cultural, ethnic, geographic, or political knowledge, save what he learns from other Codex members and other colleagues. He currently speaks very little English, communicating and learning the language as he does so through the use of an incredibly advanced translating device built into the helmet of his armor, which he has had, presumably, since his normal life.



"Ringing," he begins, his voice muffled, accompanied by the static of the translator. "The clash of steel. Blade on blade. Battle cries, screams, moans of agony. The desperate sounds of war surround me. No visions, no images accompany the noise. I do not know if it is because I can not see, or that my mind has blocked the gruesome scene out. I do not know if these are the sounds of my allies, fellow soldiers perhaps, maybe yet, my family, or nothing but enemies battling around me." A long pause. "A vibration, low, and deep, that becomes more, and more, louder, and louder, reaching a fever pitch. It becomes a deafening roar, enveloping, encompassing, that shakes my very bones, accompanied by a light so bright, so intense, it causes my eyes to tear. My mind is swimming, overloaded with the magnitude of the sensations. It crescendos: an eruption, an explosion so unbelievably powerful that I cannot begin to fathom it. Then, in an instant, it is gone. Over, as if it had never happened. Silence, darkness consume me. I have no idea how much time has passed, nor how much more passes before I become aware of myself again - lost, confused, alone." "That is my first memory."