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Initially Crey made an offer to absorb ACADI into its conglomerate with the promise of a healthy fortune for Arno and access to all of Crey's techological watershed. Despite the tempting offer, Arno declined not wanting to get lost in the giant that is Crey Industries. Unknown to Arno, Crey had through its own government contacts discovered ACADI's invovlement with the captured Rikti technology which drove its offer of aquisition in the hopes that they would gain access to the now banned alien tech. At first, Crey upped the offer, but when Arno firmly refused, Crey then resorted to various legal tactics to undermine ACADI. The latter resulted in considerable court time for Arno and ACADI as Crey pressured the company in hopes that it would go under, forcing Arno to relinquish control. When that failed they outright began an illegal campaign to accomplish what legal efforts could not, Arno again proved fairly successful in thwarting thier attempts, however it culminated in an act that would forever change Arno's life.  
Initially Crey made an offer to absorb ACADI into its conglomerate with the promise of a healthy fortune for Arno and access to all of Crey's techological watershed. Despite the tempting offer, Arno declined not wanting to get lost in the giant that is Crey Industries. Unknown to Arno, Crey had through its own government contacts discovered ACADI's invovlement with the captured Rikti technology which drove its offer of aquisition in the hopes that they would gain access to the now banned alien tech. At first, Crey upped the offer, but when Arno firmly refused, Crey then resorted to various legal tactics to undermine ACADI. The latter resulted in considerable court time for Arno and ACADI as Crey pressured the company in hopes that it would go under, forcing Arno to relinquish control. When that failed they outright began an illegal campaign to accomplish what legal efforts could not, Arno again proved fairly successful in thwarting thier attempts, however it culminated in an act that would forever change Arno's life.  
On March 7th 2003, the unthinkable happened to Arno when Crey manufactured a fight between its own Paragon Protectors and the Freakshow. Arno's wife had been out shopping that day when the fight occurred with Amy caught in the middle, suffering grevious injury, Amy would succumb later on that evening with Arno at her side. After the funeral Crey made it known to Arno that the event had been no accident and the same might occur to the rest of his family if he didn't turn over ACADI and its holdings to Crey.  
On March 7th 2003, the unthinkable happened to Arno when Crey manufactured a fight between its own Paragon Protectors and the Freakshow. Arno's wife had been out shopping that day when the fight occurred with Amy caught in the middle, suffering grevious injury, Samantha would succumb later on that evening with Arno at her side. After the funeral Crey made it known to Arno that the event had been no accident and the same might occur to the rest of his family if he didn't turn over ACADI and its holdings to Crey.  
Grief stricken and embittered, Arno seethed with the desire for revenge, driven by his hatred for Crey, Arno selected the best of the best in his company and started Project WarMain. In the space of a year, Arno and his team went from disparate technology and theory into a working prototype using the project name.
Grief stricken and embittered, Arno seethed with the desire for revenge, driven by his hatred for Crey, Arno selected the best of the best in his company and started Project WarMain. In the space of a year, Arno and his team went from disparate technology and theory into a working prototype using the project name.

Revision as of 17:31, 12 February 2010

Player: @ebon3
Server: Pinnacle
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Arno Stone
Known Aliases: WarMain
Age: 40
Height: 1.75 meters (as WarMain 1.91 meters)
Weight: 72.58 kilograms (as WarMain 232 kilograms)
Eye Color: Blue (as WarMain obscured)
Hair Color: Black (as WarMain obscured)
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: ECoB of ACADI, Hero
Place of Birth: Pargagon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Mary Stone (mother), Walter Stone (father), Henry Stone (brother), Samantha Stone (wife, deceased)
Known Powers
Energy Blast, Energy Manipulation, Fighting, Fitness, Flight, Munitions Mastery, Speed
Known Abilities
Genius level intellect
Mark III Delta “WarMain” Powered Exoskeleton
No additional information available.


Arno Achilles Stone was born January 3rd, 1969 to Mary and Walter Stone at the M. Harvey Medical Center in the Founders' Fall district of Paragon City. His father an accomplished lawyer, his mother a physics professor at the local university, and his younger brother following in the footsteps of his father.

Arno, like his mother possesed a keen intellect and a natural predilection for engineering marked early on during his years as a young child when he was able to build fairly complex mechanical devices from a variety of materials scavenged from his own toys, those of his bother's and various items in the Stone household. By his early teens, Arno had an uncanny grasp on several disciplines in the engineering field and was considered a prodigy by the time he had completed highschool. His years in college were no less adept as his insatiable drive for knowledge allowed the young Arno to excel beyond even his teachers and it was during this time Arno would develop and patent several new technologies which provided the capital to start an engineering firm soon after he graduated. This fledgeling business would eventually become his current corperation, Advanced Cybernetics And Dynamics Industrial (ACADI).

During the early years before his firm matured into ACADI, Arno met his future wife who worked for his father's practice. The attraction was instant and Arno knew he had found the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Despite a long courtship, their relationship remianed strong while Arno built his business and expanded on his considerable education. After his firm's transition into ACADI, Arno proposed and was married not long after.

Arno led a successful and happy life till the ominous events which led to the Rikti Invasion. Despite a good many hardships, his company managed to prosper (mainly due to its relationship with the government which tapped ACADI to research captured Rikti technology), After the war, ACADI leveraged its relationship with the government to quickly recover and take the lead in the industrial sector once again. This act did not come without consequences as Crey Industries soon took note of the promising company.

Initially Crey made an offer to absorb ACADI into its conglomerate with the promise of a healthy fortune for Arno and access to all of Crey's techological watershed. Despite the tempting offer, Arno declined not wanting to get lost in the giant that is Crey Industries. Unknown to Arno, Crey had through its own government contacts discovered ACADI's invovlement with the captured Rikti technology which drove its offer of aquisition in the hopes that they would gain access to the now banned alien tech. At first, Crey upped the offer, but when Arno firmly refused, Crey then resorted to various legal tactics to undermine ACADI. The latter resulted in considerable court time for Arno and ACADI as Crey pressured the company in hopes that it would go under, forcing Arno to relinquish control. When that failed they outright began an illegal campaign to accomplish what legal efforts could not, Arno again proved fairly successful in thwarting thier attempts, however it culminated in an act that would forever change Arno's life.

On March 7th 2003, the unthinkable happened to Arno when Crey manufactured a fight between its own Paragon Protectors and the Freakshow. Arno's wife had been out shopping that day when the fight occurred with Amy caught in the middle, suffering grevious injury, Samantha would succumb later on that evening with Arno at her side. After the funeral Crey made it known to Arno that the event had been no accident and the same might occur to the rest of his family if he didn't turn over ACADI and its holdings to Crey.

Grief stricken and embittered, Arno seethed with the desire for revenge, driven by his hatred for Crey, Arno selected the best of the best in his company and started Project WarMain. In the space of a year, Arno and his team went from disparate technology and theory into a working prototype using the project name.