Stormy Darkness (Virtue)
File:StormyDarkness7-17-08.jpg | |
Stormy Darkness | |
Player: @Deertayorkay | |
Server: | |
Origin: | Mutation |
Archetype: | Defender |
Security Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Unknown |
Known Aliases: | Stormy |
Human |
Age: | 14 |
Height: | 5'4" |
Weight: | 135 lbs. |
Eye Color: | Green |
Hair Color: | Burgandy |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | American |
Occupation: | Teenager |
Place of Birth: | Confidential |
Base of Operations: | Confidential |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Unknown |
Known Powers | |
Confidential | |
Known Abilities | |
Confidential | |
Equipment | |
Confidential | |
No additional information available. |
Orphans never have an easy life, much more are those orphans that are used for people's personal gains. It was July 12th, 2008 when the young boy of the age of fourteen had been sent to spy on the Hellions for something big that was being planned. The detective told him to just observe, and that was his intention. Observe what they were doing in Gemini Park and report back to what they are doing. As he crept across the park while the Hellions were busy huddling over some papers, he heard them whispering to one another. He crept closer, trying to get a better grasp on what was going on with the group of mystic wanna-be's. Getting close to one of the trees, a twig snapped underneath his foot. He quickly ducked behind the tree, placing his back up against it. He closed his eyes, trying to slow his breath as behind him the leader began to bark orders, orders that he himself couldn't hear from his focusing on himself. After what seemed like an eternity a hand suddenly landed on his shoulder, he knew at that point that he couldn't escape but that wouldn't prevent the boy from trying. He screamed and kicked as the Hellion pulled him back to his leader, the boy's shouts seeming to come onto the deaf ears of the citizens of Galaxy City. The men put him in the center of something, though with the commotion and the tears of what was going on, he couldn't tell what. After that, he lost control of his body, freezing him looking straight in the air while the Hellions chanted around him. Then the pain began, excruciating to the point of nearly wiping out his entire memory.
The pain began to subside as he began to wander in his subconscious. There was a vision of a man there. As he began to focus on the man and it became clearer he was horrified at the sight he saw. The grey horned daemon of Kaldius after his 2000 year entrapment. Stormy cowered, unknowing of what the daemon was going to do to him. He just continued his approach towards the boy, assuring him that the pain would end soon. When the daemon finally got to him, he blacked out, only to wake up back in Gemini Park with the general same looking daemon that was in his subconscious standing in white and blue trim armor with matching hair. The daemon-man introduced himself as King Kaldius and that he may have left some residue of his daemonic power within the boy. He remained silent, uncertain what to think of this. After the daemon-king vanished in a billow of black smoke, he sat there in a ritual circle with dead Hellions surrounding him in a park of Galaxy City of Paragon City. His memory snapped in twine from facing a daemon and the horrendous amount of pain before that, it was time to figure out the world with some daemon residue within him - changing him.
Time Line
April 2008- Stormy was kidnapped by Hellions to have the summoning of Kaldius, the daemon king, through his body. He survived, though his memory before that point was completely wiped from his recollection.
May 2008- He found Blue Amaranth as his guardian angel. He also continually ran into Kaldius to which he eventually joined the ranks of the daemon king as his sort of adopted son.
June 2008- Blue slowly became more concerned about the motives of Kaldius, but each time after they parted, the following day she seemed less worried about Kaldius' motives. Suspicious of what was going on, Stormy told Blue that if she ever needed him to call on him as she had done for him in the past. It was also at this time that Blue lost her angelic home.
July 2008- Stormy found that Blue was now Kaldius' Queen, enforcing that he was indeed like an adoptive son to them both. He followed them helping out until late July. Kaldius was ambushed by a man claiming to be a Rikti. At the time, neither Blue nor Stormy were there so the exacts were never figured out on what happened. Immediately after that, Stormy began a nearly constant search for Kaldius.
October 2008- Stormy finally came to a point of desperation, seeking the help of Azuria to find Kaldius. She had one of her oracles scry to find him, only to find him magically obfuscated due to that it was pinning several different locations at once, including a different plane of existence. Stormy, getting extremely desperate to help his grieving guardian angel, began preparations to summon Kaldius back the same way he was summoned last time - through his body. Thankfully, Blue got to him in time and told him that he would best be helping her by not helping find Kaldius. With that, Stormy was relinquished all duties from Kaldius' militia and found himself wondering about aimlessly as super hero.
Episode One: Finding His Own Path
Stormy had been left with the daemonic residue of both Kaldius' father and a powerful Storm Daemoness, his powers began to manifest at a moderate rate. His first being the bringing a fresh amount of oxygen to his allies that allow them to not only become of better physical health, but also prevent the person from being as drowsy, disoriented, and actually get a more acute senses. The other being rather opposite than the breath of fresh air but instead bestowing a dark blast upon his target and clouding their vision. He got in contact with several contacts that were concerned with a group known as the Skulls. Assuming the name of Stormy Darkness, mainly because he couldn't even remember his own name from the stripped memory that he acquired with Kaldius, he began his assault on the Skulls ring of crime. Between their dealing with the drug Superdyne and a continual turf battle with the group that gave him this gift, the Hellions, he kept himself quite busy, developing his powers rather nicely. He got so far deep within the doings of the Skulls.
He then got an interesting tip that the machinery robots known as the Clockwork were planning on invading a known Skull hideout. Not wanting that location to be squished to get even deeper within the Skulls ring, Stormy set out for this hideout to actually protect the gang from the living robots. When he entered, he found himself being followed as he entered. He set up an ambush for the one following him, but before he could get the jump on him, he saw a white armored glove leading the way with a surge of electricity bouncing from finger tip to finger tip. He instantly recognized the glove as the one from the white haired daemon-king Kaldius. Stormy relaxed as he knew who it was, though was uncertain why he was being followed by the daemon-king. After finally beginning to talk with Kaldius, he found out that he was checking up on the boy, and he indeed wanted to. The daemon-king learned that Stormy's powers had started to develop into more power. One being the raw power of the darkness while the other figuring how to incorporate this raw dark energy to his storm intuition. As such, the boy had already figured out how to make dark rain and mist, a cloudy aura that he has continuously regardless if one can actually see it. Impressed with the progress, the two continued through the warehouse that was the home of the Skulls sect. The daemon-king then had the same intuition of being followed that Stormy had as he entered with Kaldius behind him. They prepared their own ambush, only to discover a blue-pale skinned with beautiful blue eyes, hair, and feathers of wings. She introduced herself as Blue Amaranth and that she was sent to the same general location by the same person who got the tip from Stormy that this was going down. Him getting there only because of his intimate knowledge of the Skulls already. The three continued through the warehouse, taking out the rest of the robots in the warehouse.
The three continued down the same path of taking down the Skulls as Stormy had been all along. They even got to the point that they learned the most sensitive of information: The Skulls and a group known as "The Trolls" were both being overseen by a group known as "The Family." Stormy kept this information close as the three continued to unravel the drug dealing ways of the Skulls from Galaxy City into King's Row and finally to Perez Park. After successfully taking out the Skulls' threat to Paragon City, the daemon-king looked to both Stormy and Blue and offered the two to join him - to join Dimone. To the person that gave him such a gift, he felt he had no other choice, Stormy Darkness joined the daemon-king's ranks.
Episode Two: The Taint
It seemed that as the thoughts of the neutralization of the Skull's hide out were still strong in the mind of the young boy, there seemed to be a new most foul taint to creep upon the surface of Paragon city. A group known as the Vahlizoh, based off the doctor whom made the experiments in both science and genetics to produce a most horrible of creations. Abominations to the entire world for the doctor used the old body parts of departed people of Paragon City in order to fill his ranks. Disgusted at this very motion, Stormy began to focus his attention to these criminals that were far past just making the latest drug and distributing it. He successfully disbanded an elaborate plot to poison the entire city by pouring chemicals into the drinking water of Paragon city. After that, he caught wind of another horrible plot, this one to spread a wasting disease that would kill and or cripple all of Paragon City. He knew that he couldn't stand idly by and watch this happen; however, over the course of finding the disease and getting researchers onto finding a cure for this horrible disease, Stormy found himself as a victim to the disease he was fighting to defeat. He did quick connections to find that there was a lab that was currently producing the antidote but before he could arrive, one of his contacts called him, informing him that the lab was being overrun by a massive movement by the zombie abominations that the "Good Doctor" had created. He set in for a charge, but had to retreat from a massive about of the zombies came and nearly wiped him out.
Despair started to set in. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the Wasting Disease would take full effect; however, he was sent an Angel. Blue found Stormy once more outside of the lab, using his mist to keep out of sight of the Vahlizoh minions. With a short plead for help, Blue agreed to help the boy take over the lab. The two triumphed over the zombies and Stormy was given the antidote; however, one of the scientists informed him that Doctor Vahlizoh had been there and had taken a case of the serum to what was feared to be a strengthening of the disease against the only antidote.
With his warpath on the zombie creators and Blue's astonishment that such horrible creatures existed, sent the two on a chase around Paragon city in attempts to find out where the original creator was hiding out with the antidote. As they searched Faultline, Atlas Park, and Galaxy City, their big break came from one of the higher ups that was doing his own experiments in Steel Canyon. They found that Dr. Vahlizoh was hiding out in the sewer system of King's Row. With that, the two set out, knowing that this epic battle could very well annihilate them with the amount of zombie hordes that would protect the doctor. However, the strength of the Ice Angel and Kaldius' dark cloud left within Stormy, the two made it to the Doctor. As they soon discovered, the Doctor was anything but ordinary. He looked as horrifying as the creatures he had created, if not more so. His body massive and his right had seemed to be some sort of combination between gun and surgical tool. Even worse yet, Blue noticed something truly horrific, the Doctor seemed to have a soul. He talked and seemed to be full aware of his actions, but Blue and Stormy refused to let that stop them from stopping the chance that doctor had of diseasing the entire city of Paragon City.
As Blue looked at the remains of Dr. Vahlizoh, she shared her knowledge of the soul within to Stormy. His quick response to her uncertainty about they should ask Kaldius about it. With that, the angle began to frost her emotions and displeasure with the idea. She decided to warn him that he should be weary of the intentions of the daemon-king. As she continued to be warning him of the devil's grasp on her except when he was around with her and the fact that because of this that she might fall as an angel. He shook his head only to respond that he'll always have to protect her. A true smile returned as some comfort was taken a hold. He smiled and told her "I guess we'll just have to help the city together." He took her hand, which was not expectantly icy to the touch to run and take on a new mission, but she withdrew her hand. Stormy turned, wondering what was truly going through the angel's mind. She thanked him for the kind words as she gave him a hug. It seemed that the taint on the angel's soul from the daemon-king was only making this duo stronger.
Episode 3: The Fall from Knighthood
The two continued forth on their pursuit of taking out those whom are doing the wrong thing. As they did this, Blue was getting more afraid of Kaldius' strength over her while she was not around Stormy. He couldn't stand his guardian angel saying such uncertain things about herself day after day when he was no longer with her and the daemon-king could have his way with her. Stormy thought for a moment about this concept. Maybe if Blue thought of him, then it would be the same as if he were there. When he first proposed this to her, she didn't take it the best of way. She was his guardian angel, not the other way around. Stormy smiled and asked for a simple promise, they will take care of each other, regardless of what the circumstances are. With disbelief that it could be him giving her anything in return, she accepted it.
It was shortly after that to which Kaldius showed up once more. The three began to figure out what the Midnighters were doing something with the Rikti aliens. Soon, the three found themselves in front of an informant from the Rikti that the Midnighters had given up. Soon, a set of papers would need to be delivered to Azuria and Kaldius asked Stormy to take them. He went into her office and found a set of papers that looked exactly the same as his papers. With this discovery, he heard talking outside from outside the office. He knew it was the voice of Azuria herself. He went behind the door and hid. As the two in the hallway broke apart and Azuria entered the office, Stormy did his best to be calm about it, but found himself caught by the magical woman.
With an awkward hello, Stormy said he had papers for the woman. She agreed to look at them and took them and began to go over them carefully. A grin started to form over her face as she concluded the page.
"So you're one of Kladius' minions. It's a good thing to finally meet you." She then looks up staring him in the eyes. "Blue, you're more than welcome to join us."
With that, Blue entered the room to Stormy's surprise. The thought passed wondering how long she had been staying there, but it passed rather quickly as the MAGI woman continued.
"I love meeting the Queen and one of Kladius' knights. I'll enjoy killing you both."
The woman's skin slowly deepened in red as black wings spouted out of her back and small horns on the top of her forehead. Her grin revealed small but vicious fangs and a pointed tail began to swish back and forth behind her. It was obvious that Kladius was indeed in deep with many daemons. This one, a succubus. She materialized a fireball in her hand and threw it at Blue.
Blue watched a fireball slowly coming towards her. Stormy extended his hand, shooting a part of dark energy directly at the fireball. The two impacted and the fragments of the fireball flung about the room, but none getting close to Blue. His guardian angel in return formed an ice javelin and flung it at the daemoness, clipping a tad of her wing. Stormy then increased the humidity of the room and then cooled it with a swirling cool wind making the whole room like a snow glob. The succubus then lets out a loud cackle.
"I have accomplished my mission."
Blue let out a loud scream and fell to the ground as the ground itself began to quake. As the earth stopped trembling, his guardian angel passed out on the ground. The succubus gave a smile and disappeared in a flaming display of teleportation. Stormy picked up Blue and carried her to Dimone headquarters. As the knighthood of Kladius began to inspect the happening of a bomb explosion that happened at the Atlas Park division of the organization called Vanguard. Stormy, however, remained with Blue and hear reports from people as they entered. Blue seemed unphased by the news as if she already knew. Kaldius' body was no where to be found within the rubble of the Vanguard Department. Stormy did many investigations to see if he could find him, but only lead to dry leads. As such, he made an appointment with Azuria, the real Azuria.
He met the woman in charge of MAGI figuring that all other avenues had been extinguished. After a while of pleading with the woman, Stormy finally convinced her to allow for one of her oracles to scry for the daemon-king. The news was just as bad as it had been before, Kaldius had been banished to a different plan. After this, he returned to Blue, telling her that he was going to go through another ceremony to bring him back to her but she refused. She knew it would most likely kill him and the chances that Kaldius would return was the least of likelihoods. Stormy knew this was well, but still offered it. However, Blue stood firm that he did not and in fact released Stormy of all duties to Dimone in order to ensure that Stormy didn't feel inclined to save Kaldius from whatever plane he was on. As such, this ended Stormy's Knighthood to the Great Daemon-king Kaldius.
Episode 4: Entrance into Galactic Shield
The Storm Daemoness
King Kaldius' Bloodline
OOC Notes
Blue Amaranth, Kaldius, and Galactic Shield
Theme Songs
- When I Go Down - Relient K