Dave Arthur (Triumph)

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Revision as of 14:15, 20 June 2009 by Mylia Stenetch (Talk | contribs) (Current Status)

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Name: Dave Arthur
Archtype: Brute
Origin: Natural
Primary Powerset: Battle Axe
Secondary Powerset: Super Reflexes
Power Pools: Speed, Fitness, Leaping, Fighting, Mace Mastery
Global: Mylia Stenetch
Supergroup: The Deathdealers


Currently in development

Current Status

Currently it is know that Dave is on tour once again with his band Motorblood. With the tour setting off in Grandville after giving Lord Recluse a run for his money. Also rumor has it that he has a new album in the works dealing with his tenure with The Deathdealers and Arachnos.
