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The Cure for the Devoured Spawn

Defeat the Devouring Earth and locate the Spore Pod
Thank you for coming, there could be many ways to tell my tale or just one way that is more important, I was once a scientist for the Crey Corporation within it's medical research division and working alongside me was my beloved wife Lucrecia.
Unfortunately, this is were our story begins, one fateful morning on our way to work we were ambushed by The Devouring Earth, out of desperation I got Lucrecia to run as fast as she could to the Paragon Police Department where I hoped she would be safe, after taking the Devouring Earth's attention off of her I ran the opposite direction to give her time to get away. The problem is, she got ambushed by another mob and got infected with what we know as the Will Of The Earth! I have been trying for a long time to find a cure but now I need your help.
The location to the Devoured caves have been located and I require you to go there, defeat the Greater Devoured who infected my beloved wife and bring back to me it's Spore Pod.
I am hoping that with the beasts Spore Pod I can finally find a cure for the Devouring Plague so I can cure my beloved Lucrecia and also - at the same time help others that have had the mis-fortune of having a loved one infected.
Have you defeated the beast and obtained it's Spore Pod?
No! Please make haste, the more time this lingers the less chance my beloved wife has in fighting it.
Within these dark and gloomy caves lives the Devoured who attacked Lucrecia
[NPC] Sardonyx: You will all die here mortals! All Glory To Hamidon!
[NPC] Lucrecia's Attacker: That girl will turn out to be a great Queen - Hamidon my Master! You will be pleased!
[NPC] Lucrecia's Attacker: You will not be able to save the Girl!
[NPC] Lucrecia's Attacker: Foolish mortals, the Hamidon cannot be stopped
[NPC] Lucrecia's Attacker: *RAWR!* even if you defeat me, the Girl belongs to the Swarm
[NPC] Lucrecia's Attacker: I am but one - but the girl will produce many, the time of the Hamidon is almost upon you Human!
Spore Pod
After slaying the Devoured whom first attacked Lucrecia, you take out it's Spore Pod to give back to Aelo for his research
Now that the mighty beast lies incapacitated within it's gloomy cave and the Spore Pod is safely in your hands, you hope that the hard work will pay off in Aelo's Research.
I see you have returned fairly unscathed and you are holding the Devoured Spore Pod!
Excellent, thank you so much, I must get to work straight away, I really hope this pod holds some answers that my research has brought up, there are many questions that need answering my friend and I fear this is only the beginning!
I am just hoping that this holds atleast one of them!
I may still need your assistance if you're still interested Photon Shell?

Infiltrate Crey Research Facility
Locate Mainframe And Obtain Research Documents on The Will Of The Earth
My research has once again come to a stall, the Spore Pod gave me a glimpse into the Devouring Earth's anatomy but unfortuantely I need more research data to begin trials on a cure.
Lucky! I know exactly where to look - my old premises, a Crey research facility had a team dedicated to the research of the Devouring Earth anatomy.
Unfortunately I no longer work for Crey after they refused to help me in my research for a cure, instead they wanted to lock her up in a containment tank and do obscene experiments on her to further their goal on not just understanding The Devouring Earth, but also to develop a weapon out of their DNA, I found this very disturbing, so with my wife's permission we both quit, I grabbed as much research as I could carry, but unfortunately it was not enough!
Would you mind going to my old premises and liberating those files?
Leave it to me; I'll obtain those Research Documents for you.
I know that within their main computer system they have a large amount of research data that is vital to my ongoing research into The Will Of The Earth -- I am hoping that with this information I can finally start Test trials on a Cure.
I figure due to your quick return you have yet been able to obtain the Research files?
No?! then please hurry, the more time wasted the less likely it will be for me to save Lucrecia!
On entering the High-Tech Research facility you notice that there are countless Crey personnel everywhere, this will not be as simple as you first thought, you prepare yourself for a fight!
(Combine 'hack consoles': Entering identical text for all four objectives will combine them into a single, numerical objective. For example:
Navigation Text (Plural)
consoles to hack
Navigation Text (Singular)
console to hack
  • Improve default description for Security Officer
You begin searching for The Devoured Research data
Your scan was interrupted before it completed
File scan confirmed, Data Found and copied to disk.
[NPC] Security Officer: The security alarm noticed something or someone entering the premises
[NPC] Security Officer: Let's hope it's nothing major; I want to see my wife and kids tonight!
[NPC] Security Officer: You do not just walk into a Crey facility you Monsters!
[NPC] Bedrock: Where are the files!
[NPC] Security Officer: Oh great! This'll be interesting!
[NPC] Bedrock: After we kill you all, we'll find and destroy the files!
Devoured Research
You have found research data on the anatomy of the Devoured Beasts
Devouring Earth Research Data
You have found research data on the behaviour of The Devouring Earth
The Devoured Queen's Research Data
You have found research data on The Devoured Queen and her importance to Hamidon and the rest of The Devouring Earth
The Will Of The Earth Research Data
You have found the research data on The Will Of The Earth and how the Spore and Host react together.
[NPC] Security Officer: What you think guys? Heads and he loses his head, Tails and he lives
[NPC] Crey Technician: Please! Under section D article 19 you have to take me for questioning!
[NPC] Security Officer: You're not spoiling our fun Hero!
[NPC] Crey Technician: Thank goodness you're here! any longer and they would have killed me...
[NPC] Crey Technician: Thanks for the rescue, now let's get outa' here!
[NPC] Security Officer: Kill the Technician and Destroy the Files!
[NPC] Crey Technician: Don't leave me here alone, if they find me they'll exicute me on site
[NPC] Crey Technician: Where were you? ahh! No matter, lets go.
[NPC] Crey Technician: I'll help decipher those codes for Aelo.
This Crey Technician is an old friends of Aelo's from when he was first employed by Crey
Data Containing Devoured Earth Research
You've successfully found the Crey Corporations Research Data on the Devouring Earth
You hold within your hand all the Research Data Crey obtained on The Devouring Earth and the Devoured Spore.
The Data looks encrypted, Let's hope the Crey Technician can help!
You have the files?
Let me have a quick look through these...
*Mumbles to himself while skim-reading through the research notes*
Fantastic! As I first suspected, the Devouring Spore is; within it's own right alive, if we can find a way to kill the spawn without actually trying to remove it, it could be possible to save Lucrecia and then get the Spore removed.
*Aelo carries on reading another post*
Hmm ... looks like if the Spore is disturbed under normal circumstances it will kill the host.
OK! I have an idea regarding some treatments and some trials, I will begin immediately!
*Aelo calls up the Talos Island Hospital*

  • No mission title?
No! This can not be true, The Devouring Earth have raided the hospital where Lucrecia was and have kidnapped her.
The Paragon Police Department were able to track them into an abandoned Office building. Photon Shell, this is very important - I need you to head over there and get her back, i'm counting on you!
I'll start preperations for the Treatment to begin and i'll await for you at the hospital, Once you free her bring her back here to me and i'll start the treatment straight away, I have wasted enough time and that is something we have little of now!
Don't worry Hand Of Light, I will find Lucrecia and bring her back here!
I feel in my heart that I am close to losing her and I can not bare for that to happen.
Waste no time, we're close to losing her and i've almost finished my preperations, bring her back to me as soon as you can.
This does not look like a normal office building, the walls are covered in moss and you hear a faint rumbling from underneath your feet.
Prepare yourself - you sense that something is not right.
(Objective: Lucrecia)
You are to late as the transformation has already begun. Lucrecia; the once beautiful wife of Hand Of Light now takes the form of a Devoured Queen.
[NPC] Lucrecia: The Mighty Hamidon has his Queen once more!
[NPC] Lucrecia: You shall not stand in the way of my Destiny!
[NPC] Boulder: Defeat the intruders!
[NPC] Boulder: Escort the Queen at all costs!
[NPC] Sardonyx: We must save the Queen!
[NPC] Lucrecia: This can not end here!< br>The Transformation has almost completed.<br>Glory to the Hamidon!!!
Lucrecia's Necklace
You're too late, Lucrecia has escaped with the Devouring Earth, it does seem you are two late, the transformation is complete, she is now a Devoured like them, it's time to give hand Of Light the Bad news
You incapacitate the once beautiful Lucrecia.
After she is taken away by the Paragon Police you head outside and witness that Lucrecia has disappeared and lying in front of you are the Paragon Police Officers that were once with her.
You can only guess that the Devouring Earth have her now.

  • No mission title?
No, it ... it can not be true, No! ... NO!
My beloved Lucrecia, if only I didn't waste so much time doing tests and trials things might have been different.
The treatment is ready, Oh Aelo you are a fool!
There ... There still might be hope left!
We need to find her Photon Shell and administer the treatment.
I know that there will be something left of my beloved wife - there has to be!
Our friends at the Paragon Police Department have found the hideout for the Devouring Earth where Lucrecia have followed.
This is it my friend, our last chance to save Lucrecia, I dare not say what must be done if this does not work!
But I know; in my heart that she would not want to be left like this, so if at all else, we must Free her from this horror!
I am with you Hand Of Light, Let us save Lucrecia together!
I will be going with you for this one my friend, let us hope the treatment still works now that the transformation has already finished
Let us waste no more time, to the Cave complex we go ... and let us - one way or another finally free my beloved wife of The Will Of The Earth!
Deep within this dank and gloomy cave you can hear the Rawrs of a terrible Monster deep within it's bowls, you prepare yourself for battle, hoping to find Lucrecia and to see ... if she is still Human!
(Objectives: Lucrecia, 12 Devoured Cocoon's To Destroy)
  • Strongly suggest placing Hand of Light at the front of the mission
This is a Devoured Cocoon that Hamidon's new Queen has laid.
[NPC] Hand Of Light: I hope they turn up soon, time is running short!
[NPC] Hand Of Light: Am I glad to see you, do you hear those Rawrs? let us find Lucrecia and see if the treatment works!
[NPC] Blackrose: You will not touch our Queen Mortals!
[NPC] Sardonyx: These new Devoured will be stronger than ever!
[NPC] Sardonyx: Protect the Cocoon's at all cost, Glory to Hamidon!
[NPC] PPD Psi-Cop: Where is Lucrecia?
[NPC] Blackrose: No matter how many come, you will be repelled, our new Queen and Hamidon can not be stopped Mortal!
[NPC] PPD Psi-Cop: Thank heavens you've arrived, things are starting to get a little ugly here!
[NPC] Lucrecia: You will not stop the onslaught that is the Hamidon!
[NPC] Quartz: For the Hamidon, slay the intruders!
[NPC] Blackrose: The Queen is under Attack, protect her at all costs
[NPC] Lucrecia: You will not stop the onslaught that is the Hamidon!
[NPC] Quartz: For the Hamidon, slay the intruders!
[NPC] Blackrose: The Queen is under Attack, protect her at all costs
[NPC] Lucrecia: Aelo! I am sorry, I can not control it, please ... end it, Don't leave me like this!
[NPC] Lucrecia: Aelo! ... Thank You and I will always L .... Love Y ... You
Aelo Lionheart, the birth name given to Hand Of Light, he is here to find his wife Lucrecia and will stop at nothing to see her pain distinguished
[popout]The deed is done ... the treatment was unsuccessful but atleast now Hand Of Light and Lucrecia can rest easy, farewell Lucrecia, may your soul now rest in peace.
I thank you my friend, unfortunately the treatment did not work and we had to revert to ending her missery, atleast once she fell I heard her call to me, I knew my Lucrecia was in there somewhere!
I am so sorry Lucrecia; if I could have been faster with my research, my trials! Everything.
But I suppose, now I know she is in no more pain and we can both rest now it is over.
I Thank You once again my friend, for everything, here - please take this, I know it is not much, but it was Lucrecia that helped me design it, it is a Prototype Healing Device I first used when we were attacked by the Devouring Earth at the beginning of our story, for your help, your honour and your heroism I would like you to have it.
It is with great regret that the end has happened the way it has but I feel that atleast my beloved Lucrecia can now rest in peace, I must depart as my research must continue so hopefully one day this terrible plague can be countered!