Takomo Yocmer (Freedom)

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Takomo Yocmer 1.jpg
Takomo demonstrating her power
Takomo Yocmer
Player: @BittPlayer
Server: Freedom
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: Unknown
Personal Data
Real Name: Takomo Yocmer
Known Aliases: None
Age: Late teens, Gregorian calendar (early 30s, Zikazi calendar)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 127lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: Kaisa
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Planet Zikazi
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island, United States
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Parents, prefers not to discuss; husband, Raoul Kasima, crazy about him. (In a good way)
Known Powers
Defensive aura formed of Netherworld energy
Known Abilities
super-human agility, paticularly in jumping distance. This is natural for her people.
Blackwand, various wrist-worn claw and blade weapons
Do not call her a catgirl. She will react poorly.

Relavent History

Some time ago, a race called the kaisa, on the Planet Zikazi, had a problem. One of their own had developed a unique genetic anomaly, which gave her great power, letting her commit a series of crimes over the course of two years by the kaisa's reckoning of time, before being captured. In keeping with usual policy for those who commit high crimes, this evil, mutant kaisa was exiled from the planet, stuffed into a space ship with a basic faster-than-light drive, and launched into the unknown, much to the frustration of the populations of nearby planets. The mutant kaisa went on to discover that her ship programmed to pick a random, survivable planet and land on it, but had no means of landing short of slamming into the ground and letting the kaisa inside hope for the best, which it did on Earth.

Takomo Yocmer is not that kaisa. She is a victim of her people's decision to simply exile everyone with any mutation that resulted in any sort of super-kaisa power. She was the first to be exiled on this policy, despite having never done anything to harm anyone, unless one counts the massive reptiloids that many kaisa traditionally hunt, and no one ever does.

The fact that Takomo's exile ship also hit Earth, and did so near Paragon City, baffles the kind of people who say that there is no cosmic being controlling things, and the kaisa language's shocking similarities to Americanized English baffles them even more.

Takomo Yocmer's ship crashed into Bloody Bay late in 2005, where it was secured on-site by Longbow agents who recruited Bitt Player to enter and investigate the vessel because he was both present and expendable. At least, that's how Bitt half-jokingly explains it. After some debate between the FBSA, NASA, and Immigration, Takomo was declared a refugee and, not knowing what else to do, became a Hero. As her fighting style was developed around killing large, violent reptiles, Takomo initially had some difficulty fighting enemies her own size, but quickly got used to it.

Current Status

Takomo Yocmer is currently a member of the Paragon Titans, and usually acts as a fast-attack operative, taking advantage of her natural speed and the nature of her weapons. She is married to Raoul Kasima, another kaisa, though they prefer the term "lifemates", which is the equivalent of marraige in kaisa culture. Takomo frequently clashes with the Family.


Despite the raw deal her people gave her, Takomo still misses Zikazi, especially when reminded of the hunting season. Takomo was disappointed to learn that the dinosaurs are extinct, and doesn't understand the appeal of hunting things like deer, which hardly ever fight back. Also in spite of her situation, Takomo is upbeat, cheerful, and lively, able to function well in social situations. As such, she is occasionally called on to represent the Paragon Titans at official events. Takomo was stunned to learn that Raoul Kasima had followed her all the way to Earth just because he loved her so much, but was pleased all the same, and the two are inseparable.


Takomo's uniquely mutanted genetic structure gives her the ability to envelope herself in negative energy drawn from the Netherworld, which serves to protect Takomo from attacks. This is actually accomplished by the opening of several tiny dimensional gaps surrounding Takomo, from which clouds of negative energy constantly seep. These gaps maintain position relative to Takomo's body, allowing her to move freely while remaining enshrouded in her shadowy armor. Takomo is currently trying to gain control of the darkness beyond opening and closing the gaps that it comes from.


Takomo Yocmer, like most kaisa, is capable of leaping distances in the hundreds of feet, and to heights in excess of one hundred feet. Her reflexes and balance are above human average, but not truly meta-human.


Kaisa Traditional Hunting Claws

Wrist-worn claw weapons the like of which have been used for countless hundreds of years to hunt the massive reptiloids native to Zikazi. They carry three razor-sharp blades, and are designed to strike at the small weak points on massive, thick-skinned beasts. Because of this, they are very effective at slicing kaisa-sized enemies, as well.

Wrist Blades

In addition to her hunting claws, Takomo has been collecting and experimenting with similar weapons, and has seen good results employing single-bladed wrist weapons.


Takomo found this odd staff while clearing some members of the Circle of Thorns out of a cave. She has taken to experimenting with its ability to conjure bursts of negative energy, and believes that it can help her gain greater mastery of her own powers. It also makes for a respectable distance weapon.