The SupergroupBox is an Infobox style template intended for use on Supergroup pages to provide at-a-glance information about a supergroup.
Including the SupergroupBox template in an article can be accomplished by placing the following tag in the page:
Following the opening template call, there are several parameter that may be specified to fill in the information displayed by the template. A complete list of these parameters is documented below. The format for filling in a parameter is as follows:
| parameter = value
| name = Superheroes of Paragon
This will replace the {{{name}}} placeholder in the template with "Superheroes of Paragon". (Placing each parameter on its own line makes parsing and debugging the template call easier in the event that something goes wrong.)
The footnotes field of the HeroBox/VillainBox use a smaller font because it is designed to accommodate what could potentially be a lengthy block of text.
While the template allows for rather lengthy descriptions in almost every field, the main body of the page is a better place to expand on any information, leaving SupergroupBox for a quick summary of the most important supergroup data.
Closing the template call is accomplished by appending the following at the end of your parameter list:
And with this, you're set.
List of Parameters
- alignment
- This parameter specifies whether your supergroup is a hero or villain group. The value defined for this parameter will change the color palette of the template to blue for heroes and red for villains. If an invalid value is specified for this parameter or definition of this parameter is omitted from the template call, the color scheme of the template will default to black text on a white background.
- image
- This is an image which you feel is representative of your supergroup. For example, you might use a screenshot of several of your members gathered together for a picture with everyone wearing your supergroup's colors or fighting together in a PvP zone. You might use a high-resolution, custom-designed image that shows off your supergroup's colors and emblem.
- Using an uploaded image - If using an image that has been uploaded to the wiki, be sure to size-limit any image over 300 pixels wide in the file tag.
- Using an external image - If using an image that has not been uploaded to the wiki, be sure that the image you are using is 300 or fewer pixels wide since (as of 20 January 2010) there is apparently no existing method for limiting the display size of an external image in MediaWiki. Note that no brackets are used when embedding an external image.
- If the image parameter is not defined, the image will default to the Confidentialimage.jpg image shown to the right.
- caption
- Text defined with this parameter will be placed beneath the image specified by the image parameter. If this parameter is not defined, no text will be placed below the image.
- name
- The name of the supergroup. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Unknown".
- server
- The server on which the supergroup resides. If this parameter is not defined, no value will be displayed.
- founded
- This is the date when the supergroup was created by registering with the Registrar. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- founders
- The founding member(s) of the supergroup. This may be a simple list, and names of founders may be linked to character profiles here in Ouroborous Portal. (Separating each founder with a line break can be forced by placing a <br /> tag between names in the list.) If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- emblem
- This is the supergroup's in-game emblem. All in-game SG emblem images have already been uploaded to the image repository shared between Ouroboros Portal and Paragon Wiki. These images can be used by placing a File tag in this parameter as with using uploaded images in the image parameter (described above). In the event that an emblem does not display well against the background of the template, it may help to make use of a {{Emblem Contrast}} template call in this parameter. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- color1
- The supergroup's primary color. This parameter will take normal text if desired. A full set of color samples from the costume color palette has been uploaded to the image repository shared between Ouroboros Portal and Paragon Wiki. These images can be used by placing a File tag in this parameter as with using uploaded images in the image parameter (described above). It is recommended due to the size of the color sample images that the displayed image size be limited to 50 pixels. You may also wish to center the image for aesthetic purposes.
- color2
- The supergroup's secondary color. This parameter will take normal text if desired. A full set of color samples from the costume color palette has been uploaded to the image repository shared between Ouroboros Portal and Paragon Wiki. These images can be used by placing a File tag in this parameter as with using uploaded images in the image parameter (described above). It is recommended due to the size of the color sample images that the displayed image size be limited to 50 pixels. You may also wish to center the image for aesthetic purposes.
- rank1
- The title given to the highest ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to Leader on the hero supergroup registration form or Overlord on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- rank2
- The title given to the second highest ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to Commander on the hero supergroup registration form or Kingpin on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- rank3
- The title given to the upper-middle ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to General on the hero supergroup registration form or Ringleader on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- rank4
- The title given to the lower-middle ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to Captain on the hero supergroup registration form or Taskmaster on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- rank5
- The title given to the second lowest ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to Lieutenant on the hero supergroup registration form or Enforcer on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- rank6
- The title given to the lowest ranking members of the supergroup. This is the title displayed next to Member on the hero supergroup registration form or Flunky on the villain registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- motto
- The supergroup's motto that appears on the supergroup registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- description
- The supergroup's description that appears on the supergroup registration form. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "Confidential".
- footnotes
- Use this parameter to include any additional notes you wish to place in the infobox. If this parameter is not defined, it will default to a displayed value of "No additional information available."
Cheat Sheet
Just copy/paste the below list into your supergroup's page. Fill in any parameters that you wish to specify and leave all other lines blank or delete them.
{{SupergroupBox |alignment= |image= |caption= |name= |server= |founded= |founders= |emblem= |color1= |color2= |rank1= |rank2= |rank3= |rank4= |rank5= |rank6= |motto= |description= |footnotes= |}}