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Revision as of 19:34, 13 February 2010 by Ebontrio (Talk | contribs) (WarMain)

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Player: @ebon3
Server: Pinnacle
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Arno Stone
Known Aliases: WarMain
Age: 40
Height: 1.75 meters (as WarMain 1.91 meters)
Weight: 72.58 kilograms (as WarMain 232 kilograms)
Eye Color: Blue (as WarMain obscured)
Hair Color: Black (as WarMain obscured)
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: ECoB of ACADI, Hero
Place of Birth: Pargagon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Mary Stone (mother), Walter Stone (father), Henry Stone (brother), Samantha Stone (wife, deceased)
Known Powers
Energy Blast, Energy Manipulation, Fighting, Fitness, Flight, Munitions Mastery, Speed
Known Abilities
Genius level intellect
Mark III Delta “WarMain” Powered Exoskeleton
No additional information available.


Real Name: Arno Achilles Stone

Arno Achilles Stone was born January 3rd, 1969 to Mary and Walter Stone at the M. Harvey Medical Center in the Founders' Fall district of Paragon City. Arno's father an accomplished lawyer and his mother a physics professor at the local university.

From an early age it was apparent that Arno possessed a keen intellect and a natural predilection for things mechanical. As a child, Arno was able to build fairly complex mechanical devices scavenged from a variety of materials found around his house; Arno's own toys, his brothers, and various items in the Stone Household. By his teens, Arno had an uncanny grasp in of several disciplines in the field of engineering and by the time he had completed high school, Arno was considered a prodigy. Arno's college years were no less productive as his insatiable drive for knowledge allowed the young Arno to surpass even his teachers.

In the intervening time, Arno would develop and patent several new technologies using the gains from his inventions to provide the capital to start an engineering firm which would eventually evolve into his current corporation; Advanced Cybernetics and Dynamics Industrial (ACADI). During this time, Arno would meet the future love of his life, a paralegal at his father's business by the name of Samantha Smith. The attraction was instant and despite a long courtship, the two married after Arno had successfully launched ACADI.

Arno led a successful and happy life until the ominous Rikti invasion. Despite a good many hardships during the war, Arno proved adept enough to minimize the effects of the war upon ACADI and even managed to prosper by offering his talents and the resources of his company in an effort to help stem or eliminate the rikti threat. After the war, Arno leveraged his company's relationship with the government in an effort to quickly recover after the war and get a jump on his business rivals. The act did not come without consequences as one of ACADI's chief rivals, Crey Industries, took notice and complained bitterly after the smaller ACADI gained several lucrative contracts involving captured rikti technology.

Initially Crey offered to purchase ACADI from Arno and absorb the company into its vast conglomerate with the promise of a healthy fortune for Arno and access to Crey's technological watershed. Despite the offer, Arno remained loyal to the employees and the company he had started. Crey again made another offer and again Arno rebuffed Crey. After which, Crey resorted to legal bullying and when that didn't work, Crey began an illegal campaign in an effort to undermine ACADI , force Arno out and liquidate ACDAI gaining its contracts and developments for itself.