Kassiel (Victory)

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Character Details
Origin Originicon natural.png Natural
Archetype Archetypeicon defender.png Defender
Primary Empathy
Secondary Archery
Other Powers Classified.
Security Level 10
Formal Name Kassiel, The Lonely Watcher
Gender Gendericon male.png Male
Supergroup VERMIN


Species: Fallen Angel
Skin: Pale
Hair: White with faint gold undertones
Eyes: Teal
Distinguishing Marks: Teal tattoos on his face
Clothing of Choice: White with teal armor, a cowl, tech wings until he earns back his real wings
Expression: Generally sad or neutral
Speech Patterns: Quiet, almost resistant to speak, as though he's not used to it
Demeanor: Hesitant, quiet, loner, prefers to watch


Kassiel is an angel cast from Heaven for watching humans rather than doing his job, and envying them their companionship. His sins of Sloth and Envy have made it so he must work to earn back his wings and place in Heaven.