Bagi Rata (Virtue)

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in-game screenshot
Bagi Rata
Player: @P3TRVS
Server: Virtue
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Level: 5
Personal Data
Real Name: Peter Susanto
Known Aliases: Mr. Hatchet
Species: Human
Age: 30's
Height: 1.69m
Weight: 70kg
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: US citizen
Occupation: Logistic Staff
Place of Birth: Surabaya
Base of Operations: Atlas Park
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Rapid healing
No additional information available.

When Peter was younger, he and his peers often patrolled the neighborhood. He was known as Bagi Rata, a fierce and fearless fighter. Gang members often surrendered rather than fought him. As he grows older, he struggles to make ends meet. The shift practically retires him from his superhero duty. This changed when a meteor flattens his office, kills some of his colleagues and bankrupts the company he works for. His rage flares after seeing many lives destroyed and the survivors preyed upon by criminals. From that day Bagi Rata patrols the street. Joined by his old friends, Bagi Rata once again works tirelessly to drive out all menace from Paragon City.


Early Life

Peter's family emigrated to The States in the middle of '90s. He enrolled at Steel Canyon University and witnessed the Rikti Invasion in 2002.

Paragon City Hero

Peter registered as Bagi Rata to help PPD restore law and order. Bagi Rata himself is an adept martial artist with rapid healing ability. He had fought for years before he finally graduated. His heroic activity becomes less frequent post-graduation.

Galaxy City Meteor Strike

Years later he was on a business trip to Galaxy City when the meteor hit. He became a hero once again when he single-handedly rescued a colleague from abduction. Bagi Rata fought the abductors and successfully pulled his friend to safety.


Bagi Rata is an adept martial artist with rapid healing ability.

Personal Life

He has no personal life aside from working for the company. Most of his acquaintances are his colleagues. At this point, he has left all his friends in PPD and Paragon City Heroes.