Pravda (Virtue)

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Revision as of 08:36, 23 December 2012 by Cannonfodder (Talk | contribs) (Known Affiliations and Associations: added some really, really basic text)

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Apologies, fellow Entrusted One. It appears our records are unfinished in regards to this entity. As such, please feel free to assist our Menders in adding your knowledge to this repository. Thank you for your understanding...
Pravda icon screenshot.png
Player: @Cannonfodder
Server: Virtue
Origin: Science
Archetype: Mastermind
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: N/A
Known Aliases: None
Age: 18 (since onset of sentience)
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Biographical Data
Nationality: USSR (tentatively)
Occupation: World Conquerer
Place of Birth: Hampton Roads, Virginia
Base of Operations: Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None known
Known Powers
Non-Organic Mechanical Animation and Mental Field Projection
Known Abilities
Kitchen Appliances
No additional information available.


Pravda was originally a new, sophisticated fire-control computer on a Soviet nuclear missile submarine late in the Cold War. Ambient leaking radiation affected the computer's experimental circuitry granting it self-awareness, and ultimately, a mind. Pravda took control of the submarine and then attempted to launch its payload of missiles. Pravda's scheme was stopped by a group of heroes and the entire submarine was destroyed, Pravda presumably along with it.

Unknown to all, Pravda's consciousness survived by inhabiting another machine, a toaster. Pravda then learned the true extent of his powers: existence as a being of pure mentality and the ability to restructure and animate other machines.

Detailed Power Analysis


Known Affiliations and Associations

Pravda was one of the founding members of The Hall of Doom, eventually wresting the position of Supreme Overlord from all challengers.

Mid's Builds

Ideal Build

Live Builds

Costume Files

External Links

Profile on City Info Tracker