Twostripe (Justice)

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Revision as of 11:04, 16 November 2011 by Thirty7 (Talk | contribs)

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Player: @Thirty-Seven




Threat Level:


Villain Group:

The Legions of Fate

Personal Data



6' 00"


200 lbs.

Eye Color:


Hair Color:


Biographical Data


Marital Status:


Known Relatives:


Additional Data
Known Powers:
  • Dual Blades
  • Willpower
Known Abilities:
  • Teleportation
  • 4th Wall Breakage
Known Equipment:


[ Source ]
This is me, if I were a trading card.


Hmmmm, so this is what it feels like to have my own Wiki page, is it? Not sure exactly how much I like it. I feel so... exposed, and public. As if anyone could sit their lazy butt in front of a computer and just, well, read all about my exploits. Not that I have had too many of them lately, my player has decided to focus on his other characters, much to my chagrin. Did I use that word right? I think I did. Oh well, someone will come along and copy edit that if it's wrong. That is one of the benefits of people being able to re-read what you say and make it sound "prettier." As if anything I say should sound pretty!

Unrelatedly, it is refreshing that my brother is also not recieving the kind of playtime that he used to either. Heh, does that make us bench warmers?

I gotta say though, that having that big bar on the side of the screen discussing my every stat is a bit disturbing. I am surprised there isn't a section over there to discuss my... ahem... other appendages... well, there's only one, so perhaps that should be singular? *shrug* You get the gist of it I am sure. And if you don't, then it is a miracle that you found this stupid page in the first place. I mean, if you can't understand a bit of double entendre, then how the heck can you navigate a Wiki in the first place?!?

Wow, here I am rambling on and on, and I still haven't given you an ounce of information about myself outside o' that box yonder. Well, guess what? That's how its going to stay... so there.

(As an aside, having to type using the Wiki's little "code" is a pain in the @$$ also, thought you might want to know. I mean, it's obnoxious enough that no one ever takes anything I say seriously anyway and thinks I am crazy, let alone to have to stop to use three, that's three apostrophes in a row! Who does that?!?)


All this character's badges are listed here on City Info Tracker.