Mecha Maven (Freedom)
[hide]Relevant History
Much of Mecha Maven's background is a complete mystery, since the only ones who know any of it are Mecha Maven and her robots, and they aren't telling. What is known is that in her youth, she developed a talent for Netherworldly magic, and later on became a pioneer in Technomancy, a new field of study which combines magic and technology to achieve its results. Mecha Maven apparently misplaced her moral compass while developing her powers, and kicked off a life of crime on Mercy Island.
Shortly after that, Mecha Maven was recruited by General Phi, who found himself fascinated by her powers and able to empathize with her free spirit. The two have continued to work together since then.
Recently, Vanguard convinced Mecha Maven to assist them against the Rikti by giving her designs for a holographic heads-up display system and wing-like lattices which could distort gravity, both of which Mecha Maven was deeply interested in after seeing Bitt Player use them in combat. However, her discovery that Vanguard had those designs under contract with the Paragon Titans, and weren't supposed to be giving them out, infuriated her, as Mecha Maven, for all her bad qualities, hates anyone who breaks a promise. This is theorized to be related to her personal history somehow. Her rage doesn't stop her from using the devices or assisting Vanguard, however.
Current Status
Mecha Maven and her six robots currently reside on Sharkhead Isle with General Phi, and are often seen, with or without Phi, engaged in various criminal activities. Bank robberies are a favorite, but Mecha Maven and her 'bots are willing to go anywhere their pulse rifles can get them, and take anything they -or someone who can pay well- might want. Like General Phi, Mecha Maven pays lip service to the idea of local and global conquest, but shows little actual interest in pursuing it. Mecha Maven also works sporadically for Vanguard and the Midnight Squad, mainly because both share her long-term goals of not being Riktified or devoured by Rularuu.
A twisted combination of starry-eyed innocence and soul-blackened evil, Mecha Maven finds great joy in both malevolent and benevolent activities, leading her robots against Rikti, Arachnos, and Paragon Police forces with equal enthusiasm. Though she delights in villainy, Mecha Maven hates untrustworthiness, and despises traitors and liars. She cares more deeply for her robots than for any human, acting as a mix of mother and big sister to them. It has been suggested that Mecha Maven is not truly evil, just completely amoral, and that it may be possible to reform her if she can be convinced that robbing banks and looting jewelers isn't so much fun after all.
Mecha Maven's six robots are in fact hand-made Technomagical contructs. Their bodies are primarily mechanical and electronic, but their power sources and artificial intelligences are magical in nature. Each robot has its own personality and quirks, but they are united in their devotion to Mecha Maven. All of Mecha Maven's robots are named for important figures in scientific, technological, or magical fields of study, and all think of themselves as males despite being physically asexual. The robots are typically light-hearted and fond of humor.
Tesla holds the distinction of being the very first of Mecha Maven's robots. Tesla's chassis is also the basis for all of Mecha Maven's other robots, and in reference to this, he jokingly refers to himself as "the Father of Machines". Tesla's loyalty to Mecha Maven exceeds even his fellow 'bots, bordering on fanaticism. Tesla has a penchant for humorous observations and exaggeration.
Mecha Maven's second robot, Crowley's design is very similar to Tesla's, as is his personality. However, Crowley's sense of humor differs from his fellow robots, and he is often the straight man in their frequent jokes. Crowley doesn't seem to mind being the butt of so many jokes, apparently believing that the best humor needs a straight man to go with the fools.
Similar in design to Tesla and Crowley, Gauss is somewhat hyperactive, speaking and acting quickly, and prone to ignoring his integrated pulse rifle and closing to melee range in combat. This in turn means that Gauss requires more in-combat attention from Aquinas and Joule, as well as more maintainance downtime. Gauss is extremely fond of puns, and can launch into what Joule has described as "punkriegs" with little warning, often in the heat of battle.
Based on a larger version of Tesla's chassis, Aquinas was Mecha Maven's first attempt at a more support-oriented robot. Aquinas' larger frame is capable of carrying several hovering drones which explode with much more light and sound than actual force, and which Aquinas uses to disorient enemies. Aquinas also carries a larger pulse rifle which can fire photon grenades, and is able to envelop allies in protective force fields, as well as produce a beam of light which repairs damage inflicted in his fellow robots. Aquinas, in and out of battle is very much a supporter. He protects and repairs his fellow 'bots, and disorients enemies with his drones and photon grenades. He also adds his own, often-ridiculous commentary to his fellow robots' humor.
Functionally similar to Aquinas, Joule prefers using his pulse rifle over his force-field generator or repair beam. Out of combat, Joule has a taste for absurdism, frequently telling anecdotes which have no bearing on reality. His version of the First Rikti Invasion, for example, involves Emmett "Pat" Buttram and several wombats successfully defending Lucky Slap, Angus, Scotland using only several flans and a gazebo. Joule is prone to non-sequiturs and starting sentences with no context.
A massive war machine carrying dual particle cannons, a flamethrower, and a pair of missile racks, Archemedes wades into battle, blasting, battering, and burning anything that stands in Mecha Maven's way. He does so while making sarcastic remarks about his enemies, his fellow robots, and even Mecha Maven. Archemedes is the most independant-minded of Mecha Maven's 'bots, and isn't afraid to question her actions, much to the chagrin of his fellow robots. He's just as loyal to Mecha Maven, however, so while he'll produce snide comments and the occasional complaint about robbing a bank, he'll still be perfectly happy to blast a hole in the vault door for her. Archemedes is also the voice of reason for the 'bots, being the one who speaks up when Joule's stories get too long or Gauss's puns stop being funny.
In addition to her robots, Mecha Maven is able to summon and control negative energy, which she draws from the Netherworld. She uses this energy primarily to debilitate her enemies, and can fill victims with dread, slow their movements, and weaken their defenses easily, while her robots provide a lethal light show with their pulse rifles and particle cannons. Mecha Maven is also able to enchant machines, though she rarely does so, and is knowledgable in multiple fields of magical and technological study.
Pulse Rifle
Mecha Maven's first Technomagical creation, this pulse rifle is the basis of all her later creations. Its power supply is a self-sustaining charge of negative energy, giving it essentially unlimited ammunition. It focuses its energy pulses through an array of enchanted crystal lenses, but is otherwise entirely technological in nature. Non-magical lenses and a sufficiently powerful battery could theoretically make it a completely mundane weapon, but such power sources and lenses do not exist, at least in present-day Primal Earth. In this way, Mecha Maven's pulse rifle is a demonstration of the basic concept of Technomancy; use magic to compensate for what science has not wrought.
Holographic Heads-Up Display Goggles
Based on designs illegally given to her by Vanguard, these HUD goggles are highly similar to Bitt Player's, but their power source and connection to her pulse rifle are magical instead of electronic, and they are able to detect magic and display information regarding magic, both passive and active, within a wide area.
Gravity-Distortion System
Also based on Vanguard-given designs, this is a set of mechanical wings which are, again, much like Bitt Player's. Mecha Maven has been known to attach them to her clothing on occasion, and uses her magic to power and amplify their effects, but she does this mostly for asthetic reasons, as her magic allows her to fly without assistance.