Radiated Shot (Triumph)
Name: Radiated Shot(Ariel Longspike)
Archtype: Defender
Origin: Science
Primary Powerset: Radiation Emission
Secondary Powerset: Archery
Power Pools: Flight, Fitness, Speed, teleportation Power Mastery
Global: @Mylia Stenetch
Supergroup: Castle McBride
Radiated Shot, also known as Ariel Longspike, was a young and upcoming DJ from the Steel Canyon music scene. Rising to prominence and hope she began having more battles in the other major cities in Paragon. All this came to an end one night on her way back to her apartment, when she was ambushed at her door. Waking up groggily in a back alley she had no recollection of where she was or even who she was. Walking out of the alley and looking for help everyone around her began to back off and run away quickly, she was not sure till she saw the reflection of herself in the mirror, as a sickly green glow was around her and pulsating more every second. Panicking and screaming for help she ran out into the street radiation seeping from her pours a bust of energy came through her smashing nearby cars and knocking out local civilians. Suddenly she collapsed in pain and began succumbing to the darkness she felt that death was imminent.
When it all seemed done for her she heard a voice in the darkness call for her "Hey kid, you awake?" Eyes fluttering open she saw destiny in front of her, as a young female in her mid twenties stood over her making sure she was alright. Asking her name she found out that she was Penny Eclaire, but Rad was asked her name she could not recollect anything, her name, family, passions...all lost, as she began to cry softly. Penny looking at her said to Rad "Hey kid, I will help you find out what happened." Leading Penny back to the last point Rad remembered, the alley she found a old worn bow and a small quiver of arrows. When she picked up the arrows everything seem to click with her, as the bow was apart of her, this began the path of a hero for her known as Radiated Shot.
Over the next while the two worked closely with each other improving their skills, and building a closer bond with each other. Until the faithful day Manticore called upon them to join a covert op team forming. Agreeing to join the team they infiltrate deep into the heart of Crey industries. Deep into one of the Crey labs they find the experimentation room, where Rad is struck with fear and pain as flashbacks fill her mind. In the flashback she sees other people, civilians being tested with various chemicals, toxic refinement, and other things she did not recognized. Looking like she is possessed she ignores the battle around her, and goes right to the file system in the corner. Digging through it she pulled out one file, with the title PPC-X0918. Looking through the file she noticed that it was her, and she was going to be apart of a new division in the Crey Industries called the Civilian Protectors.
After finishing the mission, she ran of in anger and sadness. Trying to hide away from everyone, feeling everything she was doing was only a sham, a lie. She went back to the place where everything seem to make sense, where there was some control; hiding in Steel Canyon. Only Penny knew where she would be hiding, and met her sitting in that dark alley where it all began. Rad looking upon her again, and she saw the same thing the first day Rad saw Penny, a glowing light. She realized what she was fearful of, running and hiding for. At this point she realize who she really was, she was Radiated Shot a hero, and the love of Penny Eclaire. Rad vowed to Penny, that she will always be there for her, and to help guide the lost and confused on the right path, and to bring down the Crey once and for all.
Current Status
Radiated Shot, with the aid of her love Penny Eclaire fended off Lord Recluse from taking over the City and drove the Praetorian warlord Tyrant from coming through to our dimension. They are still living together in a quaint apartment in Steel Canyon, as Rad still tries to recollect her memories, and her past.
Radiation Emmission
Radiant Aura · Radiation Infection · Accelerated Metabolism · Enervating Field · Mutation · Lingering Radiation · EM Pulse
Snap Shot · Fistful of Arrows · Blazing Arrow · Aim · Explosive Arrow · Ranged Shot · Rain of Arrows
Hurdle · Health · Stamina
Recal Friend