Stratos Argonautes (Justice Supergroup)
No other city, no other country in the world has as many super powered heroes as Paragon City. Often, due to limited super powered resources, many countries take an active role in developing native super hero teams. The Stratos Argonautes of Greece are just such a team and receive generous support from their government.
Each of the heroes has received a boon from one of the Olympian Gods. Their powers are granted to them by their Patron God, with the addition of one other power. The dark god, Hades, would not allow himself to be excluded simply because he does not reside in Olympus. Therefore, each of the Argonauts has one power rooted in the dark powers of Hades' Underworld.
Nothing is known of these heroes prior to their career as an Argonaut. Their private lives and history are considered state secrets by the Greek government.
Members of the Stratos Argonautes are currently on assignment in Paragon City to receive intense combat training, specializing in dealing with super-powered opponents.
Argonaut Alpha
Argonaut Alpha is a consummate warrior, as befitting one who is blessed by Ares, the God of War. He wields his twin blades with deadly efficiency. Argonaut Alpha uses the power given to him by Hades to shroud himself in protective armor. |
Argonaut Beta
Argonaut Beta is an Olympic-level archer who utilizes her skill in defense of her country. She has been blessed by Artemis with unerring accuracy. Her boon from Hades allows her to weaken her enemies with the power of the Underworld. |
Argonaut Gamma
Argonaut Gamma is blessed by the king of the Gods, Zeus. Gamma is able to channel powerful energies through his gauntlets and pummel his foes relentlessly. Hades' gift to Gamma allows him to protect himself with darkness. |
Argonaut Delta
Argonaut Delta is protected from harm by fiery armor forged by the god Hephaestus. By wrapping his fists with the dark energies of Hades', he is able to augment his attacks to a fearsome degree. |
Argonaut Epsilon
Argonaut Epsilon serves her Patron Goddess, Aphrodite with the power to soothe or augment her allies. Still, she is not a pacifist and her blasts of Underworld energies prove this point with deadly surety. |
Argonaut Zeta
Argonaut Zeta is armored by his Patron God, just as Argonaut Delta. However, his armor is made of diamond-hard ice crafted in the cold depths of the oceans of Poseidon. Zeta has trained with Argonaut Delta and also uses the dark power of the Underworld to enhance his attacks. |
Argonaut Theta
Argonaut Theta is sworn to the Patron Goddess, Demeter, but her powers are a gift from Demeter's daughter, Persephone. Persephone and her husband, Hades, see Theta as the sole Underworld champion amongst the Argonautes. Theta has the ability to generate spines of bone from her body as offensive weapons. She is shielded by dark armor given to her by Hades. |
Argonaut Lambda
Argonaut Lambda has been granted the ability to manipulate speed and kinetics, by the god Hermes. This and his powerful blasts of dark Underworld energy make for a deadly combination feared by all who have opposed him. |
Argonaut Sigma
Argonaut Sigma serves the Goddess of the Home and Hearth, Hestia. She bears a powerful magical shield to protect her allies. But, more than just a shield-bearer, Sigma uses dark energies to augment her attacks. |
Argonaut Tau
Argonaut Tau has abilities similar to Argonaut Sigma. But, as his Patron God is Apollo, his shield takes the form of a luminescent disc of golden light. He, too, uses his gift from Hades to enhance his attacks. |
Argonaut Psi
Argonaut Psi has been given psionic abilities by the goddess, Athena. She uses her knowledge and wisdom to control and assault the minds of her opponents. Her powers given to her by Hades allows her to drain their life force with energies from the Underworld. |
Argonaut Omega
Argonaut Omega has extraordinary strength given to her by the Queen of the Gods, Hera. From Hades, she has the ability to encase herself with dark energies for protection. |