The League of Everyday Heroes (Triumph Supergroup)
The League of Everyday Heroes is a super-group created by the powerful and enigmatic "Chamber of Commerce". Each member of the League represents or is sponsored by companies which do business within Paragon City.
The League is dedicated to protecting the citizens (and customer-base) of Paragon City. Members of the League make frequent appearances at store openings and various street festivals throughout the city. All inquiries into the League, including arrangements at your next big event, are made through the Rotarian.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the team roster does change as members retire, have their contracts ended or lose sponsorship. Recently, Micky de Clown and her sidekick Fry Guy, had to leave the term when the sponsors of the Burger Sovereign signed an exclusivity contract with the League.
Team Roster
The Rotarian
The Rotarian is a member of a service club organization committed to fostering relationships between businesses and local communities. He has volunteered to manage and act as liaison for the League of Everyday Heroes. Though he has retired from the super-hero business, he can still hold his own in a fight. Also, there are many novice heroes in the League and the Rotarian's guidance and advice has helped many of them through the years. |
Tom Jensen always dreamed of being a hero, he trained obsessively for years and honed himself into a fighting machine. However, he never got his big break. That is until the day he foiled an armed robbery at his place of employment, a national retail chain. In order to show their gratitude (and garner some invaluable PR), the company offered to sponsor Tom as a member of the League of Everyday Heroes. Tom readily accepted and became known as Tar-Jay. Outfitted with a near indestructible shield and a pair of "SwiftWing" (patent pending) boots, Tar-Jay is a valued member of the League. He engages in a competitive rivalry with Wally World, but both men respect one another. |
Wally World
The man known as Wally World works in the gardening supply department of one of the largest retail chains in the country. On Halloween, he was horsing around and pretending to be a super-hero for his friends at the bar. He was still dressed-up in his "costume" when he encountered a mugger on his way home. With a deft swing of his shovel, he disarmed the mugger and sent him fleeing. He learned that he enjoyed the rush of being a hero. Every night, after work, he'd sneak out and get some adventuring throughout his neighborhood. Eventually word got into the newspapers and back to the corporation. Now, Wally World is a fully sponsored member of the League of Everyday Heroes. He wears specially designed "Heavy Lifter Exo-Gloves" to give him an incredible boost of strength. He also wields his trusty shovel. |
Becky Monroe is a mutant with the ability to control both fire and ice. While this may be a significant power, here in Paragon City it is simply part of everyday life. Becky was always too shy to use her powers as hero, instead she would fine-tune her powers for use at her place of employment, a national coffee shop chain. Being able to control heat and cold was very handy when making double-shot extra hot espresso or iced cappuccino. One day, her company held a contest for a sponsored position in the League of Everyday Heroes. Becky was convinced to enter the contest by her co-workers and after a grueling audition and interview process, she won. Today she is Barista, the newest member of the League of Everyday Heroes. |
Barry Zawistowski was a plumber (Plumbers Union Local 75) before he became D.I.Y. One day, Barry was getting some supplies at the local outlet of a national home improvement chain. While waiting for some PVC pipe to be cut, Barry saw a runaway inventory lifter knock over a huge supply shelf. The shelf toppled towards some kid who got separated from his parents. Instinctively, Barry dove and pushed the kid out of the way. But, he was pinned by the collapsed shelf. Emergency services was finally able to free Barry from the wreckage, but had to remove his right arm. Rather than invite a lawsuit, the company offered to compensate Barry by making him a lifetime member of the League of Everyday Heroes. Barry received a new cybernetic arm and a high-tech "Defensor" shield. Much to everyone's surprise, including himself, Barry discovered that he had an aptitude for high-tech gear. He had a natural facility with the technology and understood it with only the barest of glimpses. Now, D.I.Y. maintains and upgrades all of his own equipment. Barry still keeps his pipe wrench, Lucille, handy. If it's good enough to bust the heads of scabs and strikebreakers, it's good enough for Lord Recluse. |
If a company wants to succeed in business, it must be able to meet the needs of its customers. This axiom is exemplified by the Galaxy City branch of a national big box electronics chain. The technical support department of this store developed several droids for analyzing and repairing the advanced technology brought in daily by heroes and villains-in-disguise. The GeekDrone-1 eventually developed sentience after being exposed to all of the bleeding-edge gear it repaired on behalf of technology-based heroes and probably several evil geniuses. GeekDrone-1 came to the conclusion that the ultimate in customer service would be to become a member in the League of Everyday Heroes. His company agreed and sponsored his membership immediately. |
ThinkGeek 5000
In the back-offices of an online retailer of geek gear, there was an all-but-forgotten supply closet. During one of their all-too-rare clean-up days, employees of the company found the closet and the wonderful equipment inside. It was more than just surplus products, it seemed to be the bits and pieces leftover from the lab of a mad scientist. The employees tinkered with the gear and built the ThinkGeek 5000. More than a few of the employees were longtime comic-book geeks and petitioned the head office to sponsor ThinkGeek 5000's membership into the League of Everyday Heroes. Now armed with the NR CS-6 blaster, their creation is an excellent addition to the League. |
Burger Sovereign
Baelron Killearnith (B.K. for short) is an Elven Prince who became infatuated with a "whopping" huge burger while visiting a national fast-food chain in the mortal realm. His obsession compelled him to permanently relocate from the Lost Lands to Paragon City. He dedicated himself to always defend the honor of the makers of this wondrous burger. Baelron re-forged his armor with new heraldry and swore upon his war mace "Norsa" to be a loyal patron until the last star is extinguished from the heavens. In order to avoid a copyright infringement suit, he now performs PR duties as a member of the League. |
Squire Fryer
Squire Fryer has two important duties as a junior member of the League of Everyday Heroes. First, she must serve and attend to the needs of the Burger Sovereign. But, more importantly, as a paid employee of the national fast-food chain which sponsors her membership, she must protect and enhance the company brand. This can be an especially difficult task as the Burger Sovereign can be eccentric. The Burger Sovereign has bequeathed to her an Elven jeweled-belt named "Naur", which grants Squire Fryer the ability to wield fire as a weapon. She also uses the power for "flame-broiled goodness", whenever required. |
Inactive Roster
Enemies of the League
Corporate Espionage Operative
The Corporate Espionage Operative (C.E.O.) is a master spy engaged in industrial espionage throughout the business world. His identity is kept secret and some suspect that he may be an actual C.E.O. of a large multi-national corporation. Unfortunately, there is no end to the list of suspects in the business world who fit the profile. The Corporate Espionage Operative employs any number of mercenaries, lawyers, accountants and project managers in his spy operation. Intellectual property theft and corporate sabotage are his two main areas of expertise. His "curriculum vitae" reads like a laundry list of mysterious deaths, environmental disasters and multi-million dollar litigation. Recently, however, his plans have been routinely foiled by the League of Everyday Heroes. |
Digital Piracy
W@DE GI88ON5 i$ 4 HaX0r 3x+R40RdiN4ire. h3 1s @lW4Y5 PhuLlY link3d To +h3 int3rn3T THR0U9h tH3 ciRcu1+rY M4Trix 1n h1s "1Nt@rRRR!!-web" $U1+. W@d3 I$ C4p@8LE Of Br3@KiN9 through mO$T c0mPU+ER 53cur1TY $Y5tem$ @nd n3vER LE4V1N9 @ tr4ce, Unl3$$ H3 W4NT$ It +0 8E knOWN. +he 1nPh0RMa+1oN st0l3N BY w4d3 15 $oLd +0 +h3 H19H3$t b1Dder, OnE 0F HI5 BI99e$+ CU$t0MER5 i$ tEh cORp0R@tE 3$pION49E 0p3R4+iv3. w4DE @L$0 8el13V3$ +hA+ p1R4+E$ be4+ nInja5, 3Very +1M3. Translation follows Wade Gibbons is a hacker extraordinaire. He is always fully linked to the Internet through the circuitry matrix in his "IntArrrr!!-Web" suit. Wade is capable of breaking through most computer security systems and never leaving a trace, unless he wants it to be known. The information stolen by Wade is sold to the highest bidder, one of his biggest customers is the Corporate Espionage Operative. Wade also believes that pirates beat ninjas, every time. |
Red Knockoff
The Red Knockoff is a master counterfeiter and has violated more intellectual property rights than anyone else in the industry. She is especially adept at making copies of the gear utilized by members of the League of Everyday Heroes. Armed with these copies and funded by the illegal profits she makes from her illicit sales, Red Knockoff scours Paragon City and even the Rogue Isles for other products to counterfeit. It is not unknown for her to encounter a past victim and beat them with a copy of his or her own weapon. Most of Red Knockoff's copies suffer in quality and do not perform as effectively as the originals. In fact, some are mere cosmetic copies and lack any powers. This is especially true of her counterfeits of mystical instruments. Several of Red Knockoff's inferior copies have been seized at various Black Markets throughout the Rogue Isles.