Top Guardian (Union)

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Top Guardian presenting.jpg
Top Guardian
Player: @Corlagon
Server: Union
Origin: Originicon science.png Science
Archetype: Archetypeicon scrapper.png Scrapper
Security Level: Align Status Vigilante.png 25
Emblem P.png The Power Corps
Personal Data
Real Name: Henrietta Zoer
Known Aliases: None
Human (enhanced)
Age: 32
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: Netherlands
United States of America (pending)
Occupation: Professional hero, model (now rarely)
Place of Birth: The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
Base of Operations: Talos Island, Paragon City, USA
Marital Status: Single (divorced)
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Slightly decreased vulnerability, flight
Known Abilities
Dual blade fighting, willpower
Two blades
No additional information available.

Top Guardian is a Vigilant Scrapper on Union. Her power sets are Dual Blades and Willpower.

She is a top model who, controversial because of her arrogance, decided to boost her popularity by undergoing combat training and paying scientists for body enhancements, thereby becoming a "guardian angel" to all those lesser people.

Character History

Model Career

Henrietta Zoer was born on 1979-03-31 in The Hague. She first appeared in commercials as a child and became a professional model when she was 16. Allegedly investing the money she made in plastic surgery, she soon established herself as a local top model. At age 18, she was a millionaire and relocated to New York City. Her success made her arrogant, however, limiting her popularity. Infamously, she once suggested that American culture was clearly superior to the rest of the world.

In early 2001, Henrietta married her then-manager Joaquin Sydney Horton, giving birth to their daughter Manhattan Cinderella Horton later that year. Henrietta later applied for US citizenship, but officials disapproved when she and Joaquin split in September 2002, weeks before she had lived in the nation for five years, as required for unmarried immigrants. To date, all of her applications have been rejected or delayed for various (sometimes controversial) reasons. Manhattan remained in her father's custody.

Henrietta then moved to Boston in order to "start anew", although she actually continued to work in New York. In late 2007 she married rock rapper Troy Terrell (better known by his stage name Method Daddy).

Becoming a Guardian Angel

By now, Henrietta only modeled because it happened to be her profession, no longer having anything left to aspire to, except that she had realized that her public image could be better. One day in November 2008, she was posing as a Christmas angel and came up with her own way to gain popularity: She would reinvent herself as a "guardian angel" and actively help other people.

Not giving her husband much of a chance to change her mind, she went to Paragon City, where she not just began undergoing combat training. Henrietta secretly contacted Crey Biotech, or actually a group of rogue employees, and gave them much of her wealth in exchange for hidden body enhancements, as well as wings.

Blending "guardian angel" and "top model" into "Top Guardian", she launched her superhero career immediately, but returned to Boston in early 2009. Her career soon stalled, partly due to some adverse effects of her scientific treatment. This made her a laughing stock, with several commenters believing she had poured her money down the drain when she could have given it to charity instead.


Battling the Rikti

The wannabe heroine never gave up, however. In August 2010, she and Method Daddy split, and in the following weeks, Top Guardian permanently relocated to Paragon City in order to become a full-time protector of the innocent. She requested (and was soon granted) membership in The Power Corps, a major supergroup, when she met one of its leaders at a major party at Pocket D, and was promoted to Captain in February 2011.

This did not make her any less controversial, however. Some other heroes, including Aetleria, a supergroup mate claiming to be an actual angel, accused her of having selfish motives, and felt their view confirmed when Top Guardian complained that people did not really appreciate her deeds (and felt offended when she acquired an artificial halo). In early April, the questionable views (along with some actions) of hers prompted Freedom Corps to officially deem her a Vigilante.

By mid-2011, a frustrated Top Guardian considered many policemen corrupt, and began to openly question the system. Considering Freedom Corps passive and therefore ineffective, she has come to believe that metahumans should openly rule. Some consider the views she is expressing to be quite similar to those of Praetoria's regime.

Personality and Motivation

Another party at Pocket D.

Henrietta's highly successful model career made her arrogant. She became a heroine mainly in order to gain popularity; as a metahuman, she actually believes more than ever that she is superior to ordinary people, who should be thankful to be protected by superheroes. In contrast, she accuses much of the police and even some fellow heroes to be corrupt, merely playing the good guys for their own good, even though she may not be much better herself.

Powers, Abilities and Equipment

Thanks to professional training, Top Guardian is pretty much an expert with dual blades. She has proven to be a formidable fighter to be taken seriously; it is not entirely clear whether the scientific treatment she has undergone did improve her body like it was supposed to, or merely served as a placebo fueling her power of will.


Angel costume
Superhero costume