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Black Jodie serum.jpg
Black Jodie
Player: @Corlagon
Server: Union
Origin: Science
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: 23
Personal Data
Real Name: Jodie Kline
Known Aliases: None
Human (enhanced)
Age: 25
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Confidential
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: South African
Occupation: Scientist, mercenary
Place of Birth: Cape Town, South Africa
Base of Operations: Etoile Islands (presumed Port Oakes or Cap au Diable)
Marital Status: Presumed single
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Exceptional intelligence, improved senses, stealth, improved leaping
Known Abilities
Ninjutsu derivative, various languages
Claws, minor gadgets
No additional information available.

Black Jodie is a Rogue Stalker on Union. Her power sets are Claws and Ninjutsu.

Born Jodie Kline, she is a scientist, a former child prodigy who lost her faith in humanity. While not truly evil, she has adopted a "might makes right" lifestyle as a result, believing that society is going to collapse anyway.

She now lives in the Rogue Isles, where she works as a mercenary but continues researching, mostly in private. She prefers openly posing as a villain for her mercenary jobs, although she has recently aided hero teams as well. Her contempt for true villains has naturally made her controversial in the Rogue Isles.

Character History


Jodie Kline was born on 19 October 1985 to a poverty-stricken "Coloured" family in the Cape Flats. Her exceptional intelligence was first noticed by outsiders at age 6, and benefactors allowed her to move to the USA with her parents two years later, where she would rush through school and university until she was 13.

Other family members remained in Cape Town. Jodie's parents originally thought they would be able to help them financially, but did not find jobs that were as well paid as they had hoped; soon, contact was lost altogether.


Genius at work.

Jodie left university in 1999 as a Doctor of Public Health, deciding against further study and preferring to start her own small research company. At this point, she thought she could significantly contribute to solving the problems of the world.

A year later, Jodie got a cold dose of reality. Fuller Innovations, a company that funded her wanted to exploit her for their own profit, thinking they could easily boss the teenager around. When Jodie refused to do anything beyond what the contract specified, the company tried to intimidate her by abducting her parents. Jodie called the police, but Fuller Innovations convinced them that the real kidnappers had framed them. Since Jodie did not give in, they taught her a lesson by killing her parents, again successfully removing all evidence.

Jodie continued her research for several more years but became more and more pessimistic, eventually suspecting most if not all who were funding her to do so merely for their own profit. Governments' promises to combat poverty, diseases and environmental harm no longer appeared credible, either, so she came to believe that human society was actually destroying itself. This made her human enhancement efforts appear futile, so she gradually began focusing her research on her own benefit as well. Shortly after her 18th birthday, Jodie was sued by a funding company for not fulfilling her obligations; apparently having prepared for this, she immediately went into hiding, taking most of her amassed wealth and findings with her.

Going Rogue

In August 2007, Jodie resurfaced in the Rogue Isles, joining the numerous villains in their struggle for power. By now she had turned metahuman, having improved her body via biological means and a few cybernetics and become a ninja-like fighter. Jodie stated that she was not truly evil but convinced that mankind was destroying itself anyway, and therefore adopted an anarchic lifestyle, represented by the pseudonym Black Jodie and a demonic outfit. After a few weeks, she added small organic wings to herself, aiding her in leaping. In October 2007, Jodie joined Operations, an openly evil supergroup, but ended up leaving silently because she felt out of place.

Black Jodie operates from a secret base, where she continues her research in order to improve her own survivability. Most of her crimes are mercenary work, in order to obtain money and possibly other things that appear useful to her. However, her preference for targeting other villains made her increasingly unpopular, and she became more and more reclusive (possibly also because of progressing with whatever she worked on). In August 2010, she became more active again, although in addition to her work and schemes on the Rogue Isles she was also seen in Paragon City for a while, fighting local villains.


Jodie grew up believing her research would help improve the state of humanity. Optimism turned to pessimism when her parents were murdered and she gradually realized that most if not all who funded her only did so for their own profit, and that the rich generally did not help the poor as much as they could.

Concluding that humanity will eventually destroy itself anyway, Jodie became a selfish outlaw. While she is reluctant to harm innocents, she may still do so if it appears necessary to accomplish her current goals; her demonic outfit is intended as an over-the-top warning. However, she might also assist the forces of good when she feels like it, as she still harbors a hate for truly evil people.

Jodie is generally distrustful, but would probably go out of her way for anyone who should actually form a friendship with her.


Black Jodie expects "the end of the world as we know it" to occur sometime in the 21th century. Whatever this event will be, she does not expect herself to survive it, but she aims to survive as long as possible.

Therefore, she commits crimes (most of which are mercenary work) mainly to raise money for her research, or to directly obtain interesting findings or technology from other people. Her research, in turn, appears to serve almost exclusively to improve her own body.

If Jodie has the choice of whom to harm, she prefers "those who deserve it", and sometimes actually does so mainly to punish them.

Powers and Abilities

Jodie vs. Ninjas


Black Jodie is a skilled fighter and a master of stealth: Her opponents may not even notice her until it is too late. She actually based her fighting style on ninjutsu, although her main weapons of choice are claws.

Bodily speaking, Jodie enjoys improved senses and a general quickness. She realized these by biological means as well as cybernetics.


Looking for a way to quickly travel around the Isles, Jodie purchased a pair of small wings at a black market and attached it to herself. However, even after her body had got used to the wings, she deemed actually flying too unsafe because of their size, and uses them for huge leaps instead.

Her horns and tail serve no direct purpose other than to shape her image.

Jodie's ultimate origin is her extreme intelligence. She claims to be able to perform surgery on herself using some clever means she naturally does not reveal, causing others to call her a pretender.

Jodie speaks a number of languages, including but not necessarily limited to English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Dutch, German, Latin, Ancient Greek and Japanese.


It is more than difficult to gain Jodie's trust; nevertheless, it should be possible to lure her into a trap by dangling something she desires, such as (as she still secretly longs for a better world) the destruction of a great evil (such as Arachnos).

Jodie's various alterations to her body might have given her special vulnerabilities she may or not be aware of.


Extendable claws are Black Jodie's weapon of choice. She also carries caltrops with her, and possibly other gadgets that remain hidden.


Black Jodie is generally distrustful and therefore acts as a loner. She is known to work with Matthew Burke on occasion, like many other Rogue Isles mercenaries, but has not formed any permanent partnerships. She is rumored to work with Aeon University every now and then but is unlikely to have accepted any kind of obligations.

While Jodie is thought to have lab assistants, she denies this. If she has any friends she presumably keeps this secret in order not to endanger them.


Demon outfit
Hacker outfit
Scientist outfit

Other Notes

  • Black Jodie is said to have an IQ of 183, although she has not confirmed this.
  • Jodie enjoys block puzzle video games, and has jokingly announced she would immediately go good again if Nintendo created an AI player able to beat her at Dr. Mario.
  • There is a Praetorian counterpart on the EU Training Room (therefore not yet considered canon), who is a Scrapper and goes by the name of Dr. Kline. She is considered a hero and a member of the Resistance Warden faction. Dr. Kline had been a researcher for the Praetorian government and gave herself combat powers so she would be transferred to Powers Division, where she could no longer be as easily exploited.

Mission Architect