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Origin: Science
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Radiation Emission
Secondary: Radiation Blast
Other Powers: Speed, Fitness, Concealment, Power Mastery
Global Handle: @k26dp
Supergroup: The Battling Monkeys


Mrs. Blud is one of the most sought-after defense attornies in Paragon City, specializing in cases surrounding the Citizen Crime Fighting Act. Mrs. Blud has defended accused criminals whose rights were violated by arresting costumed crimefighters, and also has defended superheroes in suits brought on by those they have arrested. Mrs. Blud is driven by the belief that only by strict adherance to the laws of society can a city like Paragon City survive without devolving to only vigilante justice where the rights of anyone can be trampled on by the super-powered few.

Mrs. Blud married Dr. Julian Blud after defending a Tsoo crimelord that Dr. Blud and The Battling Monkeys arrested. The case was ruled for the defendant when it was discovered that the Monkeys had inadvertantly violated chain-of-custody rules on some marked Superadine shipments that was the root of the prosecution's case. After the trial, Mrs. Blud offered to assist the Monkeys in a new, legally approved operation against the same crimelord. The operation was successful, the arrest stood up in court, and Dr. and Mrs. Blud fell in love.

Not long afterwards, Mrs. Blud was irradiated by Shiva aliens that had been smuggled into Paragon City by a group of super-villains. Taken by Dr. Blud to the Monkey's advanced medical facilities, Mrs. Blud's life was saved, and she gained radioactive powers herself.

Current Status

Mrs. Blud is still a practicing attorney, but she also makes time to fight crime alongside her husband. She has also launched a school for new superheroes on the basic police procedures required to maintain arrests by superheroes under the Citizen Crime Fighting Act.

In 2008, the Bluds' celebrated the 18th birthday of their daughter, who took the occassion to announce her plans to become a superhero by the name of Young Blud. Mrs. Blud is very proud of her daughter's decision to become a superhero, but is as concerned as any parent would be under the circumstances.