Cumulatrole (Virtue)

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Revision as of 01:34, 21 April 2010 by Epelesker (Talk | contribs)

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Player: @Epelesker
Server: Virtue
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: '
Known Aliases: '
Human Mutant
Age: Unknown、appears young
Height: '
Weight: '
Eye Color: Considered blue
Hair Color: none
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: Wandering hero
Place of Birth: '
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: '
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Gaseous cloud form, generation of natural electricity
Known Abilities

Apologies, fellow Entrusted One. It appears our records are unfinished in regards to this entity. As such, please feel free to assist our Menders in adding your knowledge to this repository. Thank you for your understanding...

Current Information and In-Game Contact

Cumulatrole is an active character in City of Heroes created March-April 2010, and is located in the Virtue server. He may be contacted by the global handle @Epelesker. This character may be intended for roleplaying scenarios in the future.

Cumulatrole's human form.


Cumulatrole's early life is under much speculation, though he appears to be quite young by any established standard. His mutant abilities to transform into a vaporpous form manifested in childhood, spurred on by young imagination and the loss of a dear relative.

He came to Paragon City to find himself a purpose in life, though he is overgeneralizing his place as a child in the adult City of Heroes: thus he tends to separate himself by employing a quiet and distant demeanor. He is taking steps to build his confidence around others, and has the potential to become a great ally to those who can look past his innocence and his fears. Since his arrival, he has associated with representatives from groups such as the Paragonian Knights and Hero Force.

Powers and Abilities

Cumulatrole can control his body down to the atomic level and metamorph into a vaporopus being: this "cloud form" appears to be much larger than his regular form. He explains that he doesn't consciously control his own form while metamorphosed, and that the cloud's human shape is formed from a sort of molecular memory. His powers give him the ability of flight and generation of natural electricity and freezing rain. He can also rotate at high speeds to form a vortex that tosses enemies into the air.

Cumulatrole does need to maintain concentration of his cloud form if he should need to repair any areas that may be dispersed, which causes him to tire quickly.

Other Info

  • Cumulatrole claims that the database of Paragon City's hospital recall system has a complete registry of every single atom in his body to prevent any errors of reconstitution, should emergency transport be needed.