From Ouroboros Portal
This template is for use at the top of supergroup pages that are a branch of another supergroup.
Format: {{OtherusesBranch|SG Name|Main Group|Link}}
- SG Name is the name of the supergroup this template is located on, without the server flag.
- Main Group is the name of the main supergroup or the disambiguation page, without any server flag.
- Link is the name of the main supergroup or disambiguation page, including any server flags.
- This argument can use the {{!}} template to create a custom text display that is different from the linked page.
This will create a bolded name, and the link to the disambiguation page or main group.
- Link to disambiguation page
{{OtherusesBranch|The Kitty Revolution|Legion of Catgirls|Legion of Catgirls}}
- This is the Supergroup, The Kitty Revolution, which is a branch of Legion of Catgirls. For other branches, see Legion of Catgirls.
- Link to another supergroup, not using custom text display
{{OtherusesBranch|Supergroup Branch|Supergroup Main|Supergroup Main (Justice Supergroup)}}
- This is the Supergroup, Supergroup Branch, which is a branch of Supergroup Main. For other branches, see Supergroup Main (Justice Supergroup).
- Link to another supergroup, using custom text display
{{OtherusesBranch|Supergroup Branch|Supergroup Main|Supergroup Main (Justice Supergroup){{!}}Supergroup Main}}
- This is the Supergroup, Supergroup Branch, which is a branch of Supergroup Main. For other branches, see Supergroup Main.