Thunderman Begins

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Thunderman Begins Arc ID: 454941 Author: @Torben87

Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3Mission 4Mission 5

MA Thunderman.png
Thunderman Begins
Author: @Torben87
Arc ID: 454941
Arc Details
Arc Type:
  • Origin Story
  • Save the World
  • Custom Characters
Level Range(s): 1-50
No. of Missions: 5
Mission Types: Mission 1:
Free a Captive, Defeat All

Mission 2:
Defeat Boss, Free a Captive

Mission 3:
Escort, Ambush

Mission 4:
Free Captives, Collectible Objects, Defeat Boss

Mission 5:
Ally, Collectible Object, Defeat Bosses (AV)

Enemies: Hellions Hellions

Valkyrja Valkyrja
5th Column 5th Column
Arachnos Arachnos

Difficulty: Standard
Archvillains: Lady Arachnia
Allies: Brunnhilda
(Elite Boss,
Broad Sword/Invulnerability)
External Links

The origin story of Mighty Thunderman.


Replica of Thunderman's Amulet

You look at the replica of Thunderman's amulet. The original was received by Thunderman in the night he got hit by "Thor's Lightning" and obtained his powers. With it he can summon his armor, warhammer and shield. You remember how you re-experienced his origin story in the Mission Architect.

Mission 1

Chapter I: The Birth of a New Hero

Unique map, level range 1-14. Contains Captive, Defeat All

Main Article: Thunderman Begins/Mission 1
Hello $name, I am Thunderman. This story arc will tell you how I got my powers and became a superhero.

Well, I was once an usual young man. On my way home from a party a strange thunderstorm suddenly appeared and a single lightning hit me. After I came back to my senses some time later, I felt that something was different: I felt better and stronger than ever before.

During the next weeks my strength and speed increased and also my reflexes got sharper. But that wasn't nearly all... One night I had some kind of a vision, which showed me how to summon the warhammer "Stormbringer" and a mystical armor. At first I thought it was just a dream, but some days later, when I noticed how a woman was threatened by a couple of brawlers, I decided to use my powers to protect her.


Hellions Hellions

Mission 2

Chapter II: The Trial

Unique map, level range 1-54. Contains Boss, Captive

Main Article: Thunderman Begins/Mission 2
My fight against the Hellions didn't stay unnoticed and newspapers, as well as radio and television channels, reported about a mysterious warrior in a black armor, armed with a hammer, who fought against gang members.

After I read a few days later reports about sightings of mysterious warrior women with swords and axes, even I was astonished about it. I became curious and wanted to know who more about them, especially about their intentions and who they are. So I kept my eyes and ears open until I got a anonymous notice about another sighting of them close to a nearby farm. In addition it said that they kidnapped a woman.


Valkyrja Valkyrja

Mission 3

Chapter III: Friend in Danger

Medium size map, level range 1-54. Contains Escort, Ambush

Main Article: Thunderman Begins/Mission 3
Brunhild told me that I've been chosen by Thor, the Norse got of thunder, to protect the innocent and fight evil. He send her to me to train and guide me.

One day Brunhild came to me with bad news. A fascistic group, calling themselves the "5th Column", abducted a woman named Sabrina Bruckner for unknown reasons. I knew Sabrina too well ...she was a friend of me. According to Brunhild's information the 5th Column took her to an abandoned warehouse.


5th Column 5th Column

Mission 4

Chapter IV: The Lethal Tarantula

Large size map, level range 1-54. Contains Captives, Collectible Objects, Boss

Main Article: Thunderman Begins/Mission 4
Nobody seemed to know where Arachnia is, but then Brunnhilda informed me about Arachnos troops, who garrisoned an office building. They threatened to blow it up with their hostages inside, in case their comrades won't be set free. They were lead by Lethal Tarantula, an Arachnos operative in the service of Arachnia.

Arachnos Arachnos

Mission 5

Chapter V: In the Spider's Web

Large size map, level range 1-54. Contains Ally, Collectible Object, Bosses (AV)

Main Article: Thunderman Begins/Mission 5
After some time the plan was standing: A group of Brunnhilda's Valkyries, led by Aurora Maiden, would carry out a distraction attack, while Brunnhilda and me would enter Arachnia's base from different sides.

Arachnos Arachnos

Thunderman Begins Story Arc
Mission 1Mission 2Mission 3Mission 4Mission 5
Enemy Groups Hellions HellionsValkyrja Valkyrja5th Column 5th ColumnArachnos Arachnos
Notable NPCs BrunnhildaAurora MaidenLady ArachniaVenomous WidowLethal Tarantula