NachtGeist (Pinnacle)

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Real Name: Lukas Ritter
Occupation: Teacher's Assitant, Hero
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Legal Citizen of the United States with no known criminal record, officially recognized hero of Paragon City
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Pearl Ritter (mother, deceased), Frank Ritter (father, deceased)
Group Affiliation: Justice Avengers
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scraper
Security Level: 28
Accolades: None
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Super Reflexes
Other Powers: Fitness (Hurdle, Health, Stamina), Fighting (Boxing, Tough)
Incarnate Abilities: None


Lukas Ritter never had it easy, his father a superadine addict and an aggressive brute who shattered Lucas's mother not only in body but also in spirit. Ritter's father had been murdered in a drug deal by Ritter's 13th birthday and not long after, Ritter watched his mother fade away after crawling inside a bottle. At the age of 14, Ritter learned what it was like to grow up on the mean streets of Kings Row, destined to suffer the same fate of his father. Fortunatly Lucas Ritter found a savior in the hero known as Night Fox who took the boy in and mentored him, and gave the youth a sense of purpose and the will to fight back against the oppression that had swallowed his parents The oppression that had threated to swallow Lucas. Now a young man, Lucas Ritter, the NachtGiest, champions the cause of good in an effort to destroy the oppressive monster that claimed the life of his parents and nearly swallowed him as a child.


NachtGiest is an accomplished martial artist and is adept in a broad range of disciplines most notably from the Americas, Asia, and Europe which he blends into his own unique style. In order to maintain his excellent physical condition, Ritter engages in a daily regimen that includes aerobics, gymnastics, sparring, weightlifting, and yoga. This rigorous routine has afforded NachtGiest near peak human levels of strength, endurance, and reaction times and with specific training could easily compete at the Olympic level in whatever field he chose. In addition to his physical abilities Ritter is an excellent detective in addition to being a skilled at computer hacking and lock picking.



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