Phi's Fiends (Freedom Supergroup)

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Started by General Phi, this is a tiny Villain Group operating out of Sharkhead Isle. Not much is known about them, but apparently their base includes some means of mass-producing Phi's drones, as well as maintainance facilities for General Phi and Mecha Maven's robots. Phi's Fiends claim to desire world domination, but in practice, they mostly focus on causing mayhem and making life difficult for the Paragon Titans.


Organization and Structure

General Phi is, naturally, in charge. However, his actual control is rather limited. While he can usually count on Mecha Maven to do as he says, Rehnac Naturai is a loose cannon who will only sporatically follow orders or even show up for whatever Phi has planned. Due to this, Rehnac has been steadily smaller roles in Phi's plans, just so it's easier to pick up the slack when she inevitably decides to do something else.

Relationship With Other Groups

Phi's Fiends tend to stay out of Arachnos' way, as much as a technology-oriented group on Sharkhead Isle can. As one would expect, Longbow, Wyvern, and the Legacy Chain have all targetted the Fiends, and they're unpopular with the Freakshow and Circle of Thorns as well. Phi's Fiends count the Paragon Titans as their greatest enemies, however.