The Serrellian Empirium (Guardian Supergroup)

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The Serrellian Empirium


Founded by:
Date Founded:


Super Leader:

Ora Kalhu'u

Rank Titles
Rank One:

SGroup icon Rank00.png Unsure

Rank Two:

SGroup icon Rank01.png Heir Apparent

Rank Three:

SGroup icon Rank02.png Unsure

Rank Four:

SGroup icon Rank03.png Unsure

Rank Five:

SGroup icon Rank04.png Unsure

Rank Six:


Appearance Data
Color One:
Color Two:
Emblem Trident.png
Additional Data

(Need to check.)

Group Motto:

Something... fishy?

[ Source ]

Serrellor and the Empirium

Forum Thread: Serrellian Empirium

A kingdom from beneath the waves, ruled by a benevolent monarchy. They have existed apart from our society, termed "dry-siders," for many hundreds of years... since before the rise of the Roman Empire. Serrellor is peopled by the Serrellians, a race of intelligent amphibious merfolk. These people have lived harmoniously with their environment, and have been noticed extremely little by "dry-siders" (their ancestors gave rise to the myth of mermaids).

That was, until man's slow and steady increase in pollution since the Industrial Revolution. Slowly a political group emerged within Serrellor that urged that they forgo their attitude of peace and make war upon our society. There was another group (of which the late King Halys was one) that instead wanted to send emissaries "into the dry" to communicate with the people there and convince them in a peacable way to stop dumping and to make use of each other's resources in a partnership. There was a third movement that wanted to never acknowledge or contact any human on dry land. It was this third group that was originally blamed for Halys's death (perhaps the most beloved king in a whale's age), for they were more opposed to peace with humanity than war with it). After Halys's death, the sides galvanized further, and the non-interactionists merged with the war mongers (of which Inhakos, a son of Halys, was the most outspoken.

This, a war brewing, an emperor dead, and pollution worse than ever, is the situation that begins the campaign of the Empirium on a good-will and information gathering excusion into the dry as a last effort to do what Halys would have wanted...

The Empirium

The Empirium is a collection of Serrellians chosen mainly from the king's royal guard to head up an expedition and emissarial mission to Paragon City, home of perhaps the most diverse and powerful citizenry on the planet. This team, lead by the eldest son of Halys, Enipeus, hopes to bring back good news of the dry-siders... However it is beset by Inhakos's war mongering and his liaison with Arachnos and the inimicable Lord Recluse!

Anatomy of a Serrellian

A diagram of prominent features of the Serrellian race, including a note regarding sexual dimorphism. (Please click for larger version.)

Serrellians, being amphibious and at least partly entwined with fish, have distinctly different anatomy from that of humans. And yet, being humanoid, share many traits with them as well.


  • Skin tones include purple, shades of green and blue and in rare cases yellow.
  • Possess an additional eye that is designed to function better when on land.
  • The fins on their heads were at one time "read" (akin to phrenology) to determine one's personality. This practice is defunct except by the eldest Serrellians.
  • More stuff... (Soon™)


Member Rank Archetype Powersets Player
Araxes  ?? Blaster Archery/Ice @Thirty-Seven
Enipeus Heir Apparent Tanker Ice/Energy @Dark-Water
(Three Mile) Thanatos  ?? Defender Rad/Rad @Marius D.
Crinisus  ?? Blaster Sonic/En @Phoenix Cable
Chryseis  ?? Scrapper KinM/WP @Nyrisa
Moray Rhine  ?? Blaster Elec/?? @Little o's
Pactolus  ?? Controller Earth/?? @Japes
Thermodon  ?? Peacerbringer Luminous Blast/Aura @American Dawg
Amalthia  ?? Defender Emp/DP @Phoenix Cable
Sangarios  ?? Scrapper Spines/SR @Thirty-Seven
Ilissos  ?? Controller Illusion/Rad @Dark-Water
Lanthe  ?? Controller Plant/Storm @Nyrisa


While there was never an official "uniform" per se for the group, each member was heavily encouraged to wear a costume befitting a Royal Guard and bedecked in gold, white, black and purple. All Serrellians, however were required to use certain items for use as their character's bodies (See: Anatomy of a Serrellian above).

Below are a few examples of costumes worn by King Halys's loyal attendants:

Metagame Information

Flag of Serrellor.jpg
This section pertains to out-of-game information and is included for the benefit of the reader, or to include other OOC information.

This SG was formed due to a random thought that Dark-Water had had about making "fishy people." Instead of possibly taking it as a joke (as was intended), I played it serious and began planning. We decided to create a race of men descended from fish/amphibians who were related to the lost Greek civilization of Atlantis... hence the Greek river god/dess names.

It was great fun to RP as a totally new race the likes of which Paragon has not seen before. We created a story arc in which the evil king-murderer (regicide to add an uncommon word), Agent Inhakos is planning to use Arachnos in his ploy to gain dominion over powerful Serrellian artifacts whose locations are as much myth as guarded facts. King Halys later resurfaces (no pun intended) and the story sorta flatlined from there... this group sits fallow but I remain proud of the costume design, projected base design and the idea behind it (much of which was mine alone).

Ahhhh, 'twas fun while it laste!


  • The "Loyalist" theme was chosen for the Information Box at the top of this page due to the group's loyalty to their king, but mostly for the color effect. Gold was used prominently in the SG.