Aed Judoc (Virtue)

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Aed Judoc


Aed is a human-fae hrbrid. Born in Europe, he's just been found by the so-called 'fickle ambassador's' of Grimmsel College.

OOC: GSC Related

Aed Judoc - In CoH terms he is of Magic Origin, a Defender, with abilities of Time Manipulation and Dark Blast and some other things along the way. In terms of ideology, once knowing of GSC, he most strongly would identify as an Heir of Winter.

Some words about his powers'

Aed's power is to defend, simply put, and he is at his best and least discordant when doing so. But how, and why? Tales of old tell of mortal folk who wander into a fae hall under a hill, and the next morning came home only to find years had passed. Forever it seems the places and paths to the Fae are secret, warded, dangerous.

In simple terms Aed is akin to a walking pebble of a ley-stone of the fae that enfolds their places, making them haven. He may, in modest ways, slow and speed the passage of time for the woe of enemies and the weal of others of his own.

OOC: This is fairly strongly premised on the nature of the boundaries surrounding mythic lands of the fae, and the apparently mutable nature of time within. The key word above is 'modest'. If the lands of the fae support the fae, by the nature of the lands; then in a much diluted fashion Aed does somewhat the same. This is innate, and learnable.

Yet there is passive defence and protection, and the blade that defence calls for when protecting. His horror when, stressed and beset, dark energies tore through the other threatening them, the bitter coppery taste of the dissonant snapping of another's weave. Now these did not come from him, oh no. They are from elsewhere, and have cost. This is akin to the bitter mire and darkness known to fae of old.

OOC: Again, 'modest', this summoning and casting of 'nether' or 'darkness'. The counterweight of the above upon a balanced scale. The flip side of the bright. The cost of evoking this darkness is that he must balance it in other ways, be it the bright, or not. Too much dark stains, for a time, and he becomes glum, uneasy, restless... and calling it becomes easier. As to the source of it? ...

Flight, ahh. Aed flew up and high, weaving through cloud and such, he imagined a vast gossamer net spread out from he, flexing, shifting - carrying him.

A short selective biography

Aed's rather much a simple man. Born in 1990 in Pécs, Hungary. The fifth of five children: the oldest only four years older. A poor working class background, his early childhood a grey drear misery: pale skin, pointed ears, the livid mark upon his face. Still! Average student at best, given to petty-crime. His parents died together, in 2005, and this was the galvanising event that changed him forever after.

He became, of the children, the 'level one', the carer, supporter, the glue that helped bind. Yes they stayed together, and this was difficult to do at the time. Yet even now the lack: no time for self as such. In 2008 he bought a lottery ticket, and held onto it, and learning it had won left it there, for the others, and left. With but some few words to his sister.

Travelling through Europe, drifting, shiftless, working any old odd-job here and there. Then, of course, some fickle ambassador found him.

Level headed, a sense of humour, and with those he is easy with he pokes fun at himself as much as others. Street-wise, aware to cons and tricks. Typically quiet when meeting new folks, still prepared for lack of acceptance that was so often the norm.