Agent Caelzara (Victory)
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Species: Elf
Skin: Medium
Hair: Long brown, with some reddish tones.
Eyes: Glowing green, even through his shades
Distinguishing Marks: Glowing eyes
Clothing of Choice: A suit. Black pants, belt, coat, vest, tie, and armored gloves, white button-down shirt. He also wears black sunglasses.
Expression: Serious. All business. On the rare occasion when he's less-than-professional, he may crack a smile.
Speech Patterns: Speaks with a vaguely British accent, with the air of one that's been around a long time. His speech shows education.
Demeanor: Professional, with only minimal effort to not intimidate those around him.
Agent Caelzara, born Gilean Caelzara, is an elf, displaced from his home to Primal Earth.
When he first arrived, Gil was in New York City. Looking about at the terrible things people were doing to each other, he decided the best thing he could do was to help in any way he could. He worked a year at gaining citizenship, deciding he would attempt to become an officer of some sort. Learning of the FBI, he applied, wanting to put his skills to good use. When he applied, however, they determined that his skill set would be better used by the FBSA. Applying there instead, his innate abilities to control electricity were appreciated, and he was granted a position and title.