Arachnos Research and Development (Defiant Supergroup)
The department is based within a secure laboratory, located deep underneath The Fab, Grandville - only accessible by one of the various secure teleporter facilities scattered around the Etoile Isles
[hide]ARAD Lab Facility
Entrance Foyer
The entrance foyer for the ARAD Laboratory complex is both an armoury (for repelling unauthorised quests) and a storeroom, for components and gear that is teleported in.
Main Hall
The Main Hall is comprised of several sections - a small administration area, a large holographic display-equipped meeting table and ARAD's personal Arachnos Flyer.
The ARAD Workshop houses an invention worktable, vault access, salvage storage and enhancement storage tables. There is also an Empowerment Station for applying short-duration upgrades.
Medical Facility
The ARAD medical facility is able to get a lock on most ARAD staff no matter where in the world/timestream they are located. Equipped with an Auto-Doc and Inspiration Storage, it is a perfect stop prior to returning to a previously-failing field test.
Teleportation Room
The ARAD Lab is equipped with two different teleporter rooms - the first is for locations on Primal Earth (primarily around the Rogue Isles) and the second is for alternate dimensions (featuring a Raid Teleporter and a Pocket D Teleporter). These facilities allow ARAD personnel to travel in secret, without using regular methods.
Control Room
The control room is the command hub of the ARAD Lab Facility, allowing reporting back to Arachnos Prime, as well as communication with other Arachnos operatives. Most recently it has had a Pillar of Ice and Flame installed to facilitate communication across timestreams.
Power Plant
The ARAD Lab is supplied with it's own internal power plant, independent of The Fab itself so that experiments can continue unhindered by terrorist hero activity.