Arctracer (Triumph)
[hide]Current Information and In-Game Contact
Arctracer is an active character in City of Heroes created January 2010, and is located in the Triumph server (formerly of another server that I can't remember). He may be contacted by the global handle @Epelesker.
Alex Blyntze is a former cop who worked for the Paragon Police Department for many years. His successful career in law enforcement came to a seemingly abrupt halt when, during a high-profile drug raid, he was pushed from a warehouse roof and fell to the ground below. The accident didn't paralyze him as the medics suggested it would, but the trauma that he endured afterwards made him question his own abilities.
It was several months after his leaving that Alex began work on a powered suit with materials supplied by a connection of his who worked at a scrapyard. Using the powered suit, he became Arctracer and worked behind the scenes as an unregistered hero, usually foiling crimes before the PPD could even get to them. Eventually, he was spotted by his most trusted friend on the force, Lian. Though his former partner could not convince him to return to regular work, Alex's resolve to help others as a costumed hero grew stronger: as Arctracer the hero, he claimed, he could protect others where he could not defend himself. He dealt with bouts of depression from the fateful accident, but has retained the strong, leader-like qualities that served him well as a police officer.
He would go on to be discovered by Ms. Liberty and, taking the opportunity to be formally registered as a hero in Paragon City, he reinvented his attitude toward life, finally banishing his emotional demons. He how aims to be an upstanding citizen with the aim of bettering the quality of life for all in the city, and finally created the Triumph Trisortion to search for others who shared in his vision, such as the budding hero Antarchon and the wise professor Jericho Zalen. He has also befriended Catharctic and his allies of Team Avalanche.
For a short time, Arctracer had a mystical bond with an unknown entity. This has since dissipated without leaving any trace of who or what had caused it.
The Triumph Trisortion
Arctracer is the founder and main leader of this group, sharing his administrative duties with Antarchon and one other (who officially hasn't been created yet). It is Arctracer who usually teams with each new recruit to see their capabilities in battle and teamwork. On various patrols, Arctracer usually partners with Dr. Jericho Zalen.
Powers and Abilities
Alex's Arctracer armor provides a moderate amount of protection against anemy attacks, and utilizes Taser Darts as a main attack mode. Due to the unresearched properties of the alien substance that makes up his armor, it has drastically improved his bio-electricity output. Heavy modifications were made to the armor to allow for a more controlled use of this excess energy, which is employed in electric brawling attacks, and super speed.
Secondary build
Arctracer's alternate build currently replaces his quickrun capabilities with the ability to convert mass into a form of electrical energy. Effectively a sort of teleportation, this can be used on himself and others. Strangely enough, even distant allies that he can communicate with over team radio can be converted as easily as a foe standing a few feet away.