Axis and Allies (Liberty Supergroup)
During the height of WWII, there were many teams of superpowered beings operating in all theaters of war. Both the Axis and Allied powers relied on these teams to turn the tide of battle in closely contested battlegrounds.
The Allies United are comprised of heroes from various Allied nations, each representing their countries in the war. The Axis Korps are a specialized unit of the infamous Storm Korps and were frequent opponents of the Allies United.
Allies United
The Allies United is one of many teams created by the Allied powers during WWII. Their exploits are little remembered however, as they fought mostly covert actions in Axis occupied territories. The secretive nature of their contributions in the war effort does not diminish the significant gains they made towards an eventual Allied victory. The outcome of their last mission is Top Secret and has not been divulged even decades after the conclusion of the war.
The Allies United have recently appeared in Paragon City. These are clearly the original members of the team, seemingly displaced in time. How and why they have returned is unknown, yet they continue their fight for good.
Lady Arrowsmith
Lady Justine Arrowsmith responded to her country's call for service at the start of the war. She has since served faithfully in many operations, including using her own private yacht to evacuate numerous soldiers from Dunkirk. She is the founding member of Allies United, using her vast wealth to fund the organization. Lady Arrowsmith is an accomplished archer and using her technological genius, she has developed numerous specialty arrows with both offensive and defensive capabilities. |
Le Rapier
The man named simply as Marcel is a valued member of the French Resistance. After a lengthy campaign against the Germans in Paris, Marcel was enlisted as a member of Allies United. He was given the codename "Le Rapier" and serves as both a dedicated soldier and an effective propaganda symbol. His exploits are read in secret throughout all of France and acts as inspiration to French freedom fighters. Le Rapier is a master swordsman and has received commando training from various Allied armies. He is dedicated to liberating France from Axis occupation. |
Dynasty Warrior
The Dynasty Warrior is a soldier in the army of the Republic of China, though he may agree with some of the grievances espoused by the Communist rebels, he is loyal to the Nationalist Chinese. He serves in the Allies United only in overseas missions, as his superiors do not want him entangled in the domestic civil war. Dynasty Warrior is an expert in various forms of martial arts and has been known to defeat opponents of much greater strength. |
The warrior known as Skjolda first appeared in action in Norway during the German invasion. She appeared seemingly out of nowhere and led a contingent of Norwegian soldiers in repelling an attempted landing by the German Kriegsmarine. However, the German onslaught inevitably overcame the unprepared and outnumbered Norwegian forces. Skjolda would have remained as part of the resistance movement, but was urged to flee by King Haakon VII as he escaped to Great Britain. Skjolda is a symbol for the Scandinavian resistance movements in Norway and Denmark. She represents the fighting spirit and will to freedom of the Scandinavian people. Many believe that she may be a Valkyrie, summoned from the Halls of Valhalla to defend the descendants of the Viking people. |
Banzai Hiro
Hiro Tanaka is Nissei or second generation Japanese American. His mutant ability to generate fire manifested itself as he was placed in an internment camp in California. The military authorities, quickly released his family from the camp, on the condition that Hiro would serve in the Allies United. Hiro would have gladly done so, without conditions, as he was a loyal and patriotic citizen. Codenamed "Banzai Hiro", he actively served in both the North African and European theaters of war. He was largely kept out of the Pacific, for fear of his being mistaken for an Imperial Japanese agent. Banzai Hiro is a mutant with the ability to control fire, he often shrouds himself in flames as a protective shield. Banzai Hiro is also trained in using the katana, a family heirloom passed down through many generations. |
Thundercloud Eagle
Helena Thundercloud is a Native American of Navajo descent. She had enlisted in the Army to serve as a Wind Talker, part of the Army's most successful cipher operations. Her unit had become lost in a freak thunderstorm during a mission in Borneo. Helena was struck by a powerful bolt of lightning just as her unit was ambushed by Japanese commandos. Rather than being killed outright, Helena found herself infused with the power to control the storm. Through sheer survival instincts, Helena summoned forth great winds and bolts of lightning to defeat the Japanese. Having saved her unit, the Army quickly assigned the newly christened Thundercloud Eagle to the Allies United. Thundercloud Eagle has the ability to control storms and lightning. She is the youngest member of the Allies United. |
Axis Korps
The Axis Korps is a specialized unit with the larger Storm Korps, their mandate is to spread terror and enforce demands in Axis-occupied territories. The Axis Korps frequently clashed with the Allies United throughout the war.
Towards the end of the war, the Axis Korps engaged in guerilla actions in a futile effort to halt the gains made by the Allied powers. The last recorded sighting of the Axis Korps was in the Taunus mountain range of Germany, as they consolidated the defense of Hitler's much-vaunted Eagle's Nest. The Allies United were sent in to remove the Axis Korps once and for all. The outcome of that mission remains Top Secret.
Recently, the Axis Korps has resurfaced in the Rogue Isles. It appears that the decades have neither aged the members of the Korps, nor diminished their capacity for evil.
Johann Drachen is a highly-ranked officer in the German Waffen-SS. His single-minded determination and ruthless efficiency enabled him to be quickly promoted to the rank of Brigadefuhrer. He was assigned to Italy to ensure that the Italians would continue their support of the Axis, and would provide anything and everything needed by the Germans. Johann was a very handsome man and used his charms to seduce the Countess Allegra Fortuna di Ferro. Her wealth and influence would be critical to maintaining Germany's control of Italy. As their relationship progressed, Johann was secure in the knowledge that his control over the Countess was just as strong. Johann was grievously wounded in an assassination attempt at the Countess' home. The bomb in his car would have killed him outright, had it not gone off prematurely. Nonetheless, his injuries were fatal. The Countess quickly gathered several mages who have served her family for centuries. Through the application of their powers and the technological advances of several experimental projects of the Germans, Johann's life was saved. However, his once-handsome body had been mutated into a large crimson hulk and several body parts were replaced with machinery. At first, Johann was devastated by his condition, until he realized that he was now filled with fearsome power. Johann formed the Axis Korps, with himself as the commanding officer. Now, he is Drachenstein, part man, part monster, part machine and fully evil. Drachenstein possess incredible strength and the ability to spontaneously produce fire. He uses the flames as both offensive and defensive powers with great effect. |
Contessa di Ferro
The Countess Allegra Fortuna di Ferro is an Italian noblewoman of vast wealth and power. While she never cared for Il Duce or his brand of fascism, she became involved in the Axis war effort due to a chance encounter with Johann Drachen, a Brigadefuhrer in the German Waffen-SS. Allegra was always a woman who lived according to the dictates of her passion and she became instantly infatuated with Herr Drachen. She was often known to say that "she was made to be his lover". Even after Drachen had been horribly wounded by an assassination attempt, Allegra remain dedicated to him. It was her fortune and determination that rescued Drachen from certain death. As the Contessa di Ferro, Allegra prefers to remain as a background player in the Axis Korps. Her chief concern being that she is always at Drachen's side. The Contessa di Ferro is a mutant with the ability to control electro-magnetic energies. She wields these powers with sadistic delight and should not be underestimated. |
Vampir von Stahl
Otto von Stahl is a chief scientist in the German military. His expertise is in the development of semi-autonomous robots. The need for these robots would become increasingly important as the tide of war turned against Germany. His work would allow the German army to replenish their losses with mechanized soldiers. A laboratory accident resulted in the near destruction of Otto's body. His colleagues quickly removed his brain and placed it in the steel shell of one of his robot projects. In order to keep the brain alive, the scientists had to provide a source of nutrients, derived from a steady supply of human blood. Reborn as the metallic Vampir von Stahl, Otto now serves in the Axis Korps. In addition to maintaining Drachenstein's health, he provides technologic support to the team. The Vampir von Stahl has several robotic servants which act as his enforcers. While currently, he has only Renfield v1.1 and v1.2, he hopes to complete his ultimate project the Renfield Mojave. |
Creatura Nera
In Sicily, there is a body of water shrouded in foreboding and mystery. The Laguna Nera is a fearsome place, with a history so dark that all locals give the area a wide berth. Thus, when the Germans decided to build an outpost near the Laguna, they were met with resistance from the citizenry. The Germans were dismissive of the locals and ultimately threatened them with death, if they would not cease their protests. As the German outpost neared completion, guards were mysterious killed night after night. Their bodies mutilated and brutalized beyond recognition. At first the German authorities suspected the local population, however after numerous executions and torture sessions, the killings continued. The murderer was finally captured in an ambush and the being known as the Creatura Nera was held captive by the Germans. The Germans realized that this creature could be made to serve them, when they discovered a nest of eggs in the Laguna Nera. The creature had simply been defending her brood from the encroachment of the German outpost. The Germans made it to clear to the creature that if she refused to serve as a member of the Axis Korps, then all of her offspring would be destroyed. The Creatura Nera became immediately docile and now serves the will of her new masters. The Creatura Nera is an amphibious creature from the depths of the Laguna. Her body can produce vicious spines, which can be used as deadly weapons. Her quasi-mystical nature allows her to tap into dark energies of the Netherworld. She frequently uses these energies to shroud herself as a protective shield. |
Rudolf Werner served under Drachen as a member of his Wulf Brigade. His primary mission was to cleanse the forests of Romania of gypsies and other unwanted peoples. Rudolf Werner was exceedingly good at this assignment, due in no small part to the sadistic delight he took in murder. He believed that the gypsies were a misguided and foolish people who believed in superstitious nonsense and therefore had no place in the world being forged by the Third Reich. During what started out as a routine raid on a gypsy camp, Rudolf was attacked by the largest wolf he had ever seen. His men had already been slaughtered by the beast and Rudolf had been saved for last. But, Rudolf was a fearsome fighter and managed to kill the wolf with a ceremonial silver dagger he kept at his side. To his shock and amazement, the body of the wolf reverted into the form of an old man. Suddenly, Rudolf recalled all the tales and myths of werewolves he had heard sputtered by the gypsies. And with growing sense of dread, Rudolf realized that he had been bitten by the werewolf during their struggle. Rudolf has since accepted his fate and now uses his lycanthropic powers in the continued service of his commanding officer. He received the codename Bludwulfen and was inducted into the Axis Korps. Bludwulfen is quite simply, a werewolf. His attacks are augmented with high-strength iron claws and he has the ability to recover from nearly any wound. |
Kunoichi Miira
The Kunoichi Miira is the re-animated corpse of a long-dead ninja. Her tomb was discovered in a cave in the Okinawan countryside by Imperial Japanese forces. Few treasures were found, but a simple wooden coffin contained the mummified remains of an ancient ninja warrior. The local citizens related a tale of a female ninja employed in the service of a dark sorcerer. The ninja was hired out by the sorcerer to assassinate the opponents of any Shogun with sufficient gold to meet his fees. This was all thought to be a legend, until the tomb had been discovered. The Kunoichi Miira was then packaged and sent to Herr Drachen of the Axis Korps. The Japanese military wanted to make a contribution to the Axis Korps, without diverting any of their already active super powered soldiers currently engaged in the defense of the home islands. The Kunoichi Miira is an undead mummified ninja warrior. She has several highly-trained fighters in her employ. These are dedicated and loyal warriors sworn to the Kunoichi Miira. |