Bulletproof (Justice)
Name: Cheryl Lee
Hero Name: Bulletproof
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Invulnerability
Other Powers: Fitness, Leaping, Speed, Weapon Mastery
Security Level: Level 50
Age: 28
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Group Affiliation: Dark Astoria Foundation
Education: High School
Occupation: Chief of Security
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Hometown: The Gruff, Skyway City
Marital: Living with Alicia Smith
Unlike her peers, Cheryl's life and background are comparatively mundane. A second-generation citizen, her parents are Hmong in ethnicity, and their family settled in Skyway City shortly before Cheryl was born. Cheryl took to the martial arts at an early age, and was quick to delve into the more esoteric arts of mastering one's body in its entirety.
The Hmong community was both large and claustrophobic, and so Cheryl saw many of her peers fall under the sway of the ex-con Tub Ci. She herself was pursued for recruitment, but the way the Tsoo had tarred the name of the Hmong community in Paragon made her balk. She delved further into her studies, and ended up repelling several Tsoo advances.
She has honed her body to near-superhuman levels of resilience and endurance, and so when she registered with the FBSA she chose the moniker Bulletproof. Cheryl is head of the security teams for the Dark Astoria Foundation, under Alicia Smith.
Current Status
Cheryl distinguished herself as a superior combatant and tactician during the Rikti invasions of 2007 and 2008, and in the zombie uprising in late 2008. She is the Chief of Security for the DAF, and occasionally joins with other supergroups for offensives as she's needed.
Cheryl comes off cold to many, but those who know her know she is simply reserved and highly disciplined. Her intense physical discipline carries over into her regular life, and she is sometimes demanding and has the occasional flash of intense emotion.
Cheryl is a kind woman, but she is not adept at showing it. As a result, she is a respected and admired boss with few personal friends.
The player behind Cheryl can be found in-game and on the forums as @Ringwood.