Catwhoorg (Triumph)
A refugee from the Man Kzijn wars. He trained throughout to protect Mankind, brought through a portal into the city (to organise this end of the escape conduit). Cat took on the personna of the deadly foe, and fights tooth nail and claw to protect his adopted home. Often to be found with his regular partner Magrat.
Despite often being assumed as some sort of Cat-being, Catwhoorg is in fact fully and completely human, though not from this dimension. In his home dimension the human race avoided the dark-age in Europe through a combination of luck, and natural healing abilities enhanced by special herbal preparations. This gave them a significant jump start in technology, and by our Victorian Era they had reached into space. Their advanced research focused on dimensional shifts for travel, and on our about 1915, the first interstellar dimensional drive had been tested. By 1930, interstellar travel was common, and this led to their downfall.
A bad first contact with the Kzijn, a true race of Felinoids led to the start of an interstellar war. This war did not go well, and Admiral Whoorg led the last series of fights around the only surviving offworld colony. Badly wounded and invalided back to Earth, he organised but did not directly fight in the last ditch effort to save Earth. He was given a more important mission, liase with the newly found dimensional allies of Earth who had made first contact. Whilst off world, in Paragon City, the Kzijn launched a devastating final attack. The civilisation on the Earth Admiral Whoorg came from was destroyed. The Kzijn after the initial attack used mass drivers to bombard the planet with asteroids. The crust was cracked so severely that the entire planet is a bed of vulcanism, and will be uninhabitable for at least several thousand years.
Leader of the few refuges who made it to Paragon, he has adopted this dimension as if it was his own. The words 'never again' and burnt into his heart and he has never faltered or failed in his protection of this world.
Married to Magrat (a true felinoid). He has 4 Children:
- KittenWhoorg (male - High agility claws scrapper)
- Lil Fluffy (female - Claws scrapper with her mothers dark powers)
- Mi Lady (female - no powers but armed and equiped with advanced weapons technology)
- Lily (female - kidnapped in infancy and presumed dead)
Current Status
A Leader in Fusion Force, currently in the Legends sub-group. He spends a lot of time in the Shadow Shard working with Faathim the Kind. He hopes one day to help Faathim undo the 'Shattering' in the Shard, in the hope that by doing so Faathim will learn how to help his original home. The Vanguard used his knowledge of space combat to help in designing the strategy for countering Rikti Bombers above the city.
Character Profile on CIT[1]
Known Dimensional Alternates
Arachnos and other villainous organisations have recognised Catwhoorg as a major threat, a super amongst supers. Several have sought to acquire a comparable/Praetorian version for their own ends.
- ShadowCatwhoorg
- Catwhoorgshade
- Revenant Cat
- Commander Voorg (suspected) - awaiting acquisition of DNA sequence for confirmation
Contact Information
The player behind Catwhoorg can be contacted on @Catwhoorg.