Chihiro-san (Triumph)
A long time ago, in a nation far, far away, a samurai's wife gave birth to a little girl, and that samurai named the child Chihiro. This was somewhere in the area of 350 years ago.
What happened between then and now, no one really knows, except that child herself, who now stands more than eight feet tall and insists that everyone add the "-san" honorific to her name. It is known that somewhere along the way, Chihiro-san learned to wield a naginata, which was not unusual for the daughters of samurai, and also learned to use a katana, (which was perhaps a bit odd) and to command the forces of magic, which was rather unique. Chihiro-san also picked up a fondness for tarot divination, cats, kimono, and rock operas at some point. Possibly not in that order. She turned up in Paragon City's Eastgate district some time before Theo and Keiko Alteridem did, and moved to Founder's Falls after the Hollowing, where she resides with her apprentice and ward, Lorelei Nachtigall.
Current Status
Chihiro-san is the Alteridem Foundation's number-one source for magic. Whether they need a spell cast or broken, or just want information, Chihiro-san is regarded as the one to ask first. She can usually be found in her house in Founder's Falls, assuming one can get past the protective magics which make the place almost impossible to find. There she spends her days granting Lorelei Nachtigall her unique brand of wisdom, and helping the Foundation address its mystical problems. Only occasionally does Chihiro-san take up her katana and do battle, and she hasn't used her naginata since the Rikti Invasion.
Chihiro-san also has more than a few friends of a mystical sort, spirit-beings of many varieties which semi-frequently turn up at her home for some green tea and a long chat. No one, presumably except Chihiro-san herself, knows where these beings come from, where they go, or why they're always showing up at Chihiro-san's place.
How does one describe a woman like Chihiro-san? Many of her friends and associates go for "eccentric". Lorelei Nachtigall prefers "insane", which may actually be more accurate. Chihiro-san's centuries of experience have had their effects on her mind, and so she is cheery, outgoing, and entirely out to lunch. Chihiro-san insists on adding Japanese honorifics to names, often giving people nicknames based on them. She loves to show off her power, and is quick to offer advice to those in need -whether they want it or not. She shares her apprentice's delight in all things feline, and otherwise enjoys giving Lorelei a hard time, due to Lorelei's constant negativity.
Chihiro-san has a tarot deck which she trusts absolutely to guide her actions. In her defense, however, the deck hasn't been wrong yet, and has in recent history been the reason why Chihiro-san left Eastgate before the Hollowing, given her sufficient warning to prepare for the Rikti Invasion, and been responsible for Beckett Alteridem going to Cranston, Rhode Island, where he met Lorelei.
Another, more serious side of Chihiro-san exists, but is only seen in times of great crisis. When behaving seriously, Chihiro-san is a lethal combatant capable of defeating nearly any enemy. Unfortunately, she seems to strongly dislike revealing this deadly and sane side, and has continued to be silly since the Rikti Invasion.
Powers and Abilities
Chihiro-san's power lies in her magical skills. She has often said that one can do anything with magic if only they knew how, and she demonstrates few limits herself. Chihiro-san can use magic to heighten her senses, sprint at speeds approaching the sound barrier, become invisible, partially phase out of normal space, enter what she refers to as the "astral plane", a sub-dimension that exists parallel to Primal Earth, predict future events, and more. In combat, she avoids attacks by partially phase shifting as they are about to hit her, causing the attack to pass through her body without making contact. The timing is extremely difficult, as Chihiro-san can only remain in a partially-phased state for a fraction of a second without fully phase shifting, which would lock her out of normal reality for several minutes. Used properly, however, it tends to confuse and demoralize enemies, especially those with little understanding of magic.
A naginata named Shunran is Chihiro-san's favorite weapon. It was given to her as a teenager, and remains in pristine condition due to a combination of enchantments and good care. Shunran also carries enchantments that grant it the ability to cut through most substances with ease, and Chihiro-san has used it to pierce half-inch Impervium armor on at least one occasion. However, Shunran is so valued by Chihiro-san that she only uses the weapon in extreme emergencies, out of fear that it will be damaged in combat. As such, Shunran has rested on its display rack since the Rikti Invasion.
Chihiro-san is more often seen with a katana known as Ten'yo. While not as heavily enchanted as Shunran, Ten'yo is capable of cutting things it shouldn't go through. She also has several other Japanese weapons, which she rarely uses.