Electric Lynx (Virtue)
[hide]Lynx has a bite to her personality. She likes speaking her mind even if it gets her into trouble. She isn't a fan of showing weakness and looks down on others who do. She can come off as rude to most people, but she doesn't care. The only people she cares for are her younger siblings Lydia and Edmund. Lynx doesn't think very highly of her parents or other adult figures, and will often back talk them. She is the one person who has consistently taken care of her younger siblings. Opting to bring them with her to Paragon to get away from their parents.
Lynx isn't sure what is mutation and what is brought on by the mutation experiments she was put through. What she does know is that she has unexplainable amount of electricity coursing through her veins. She is afraid to touch people without shocking them horribly. The only people immune to this are her siblings, not even her parents can touch her without being shocked. Not that Lynx would want to touch them without hurting them now.
When Lynx was thirteen she began wearing special gauntlets on her hands and forearms to better control the electricity. Along with the scientific modifications Lynx found she could run much faster than the average human without becoming tired.
Cordelia Took was the third child born to Samuel and Maria Took. She was born in Darent Valley Hospital, located in Dartford, Kent, England. Cordelia came while her parents and two older brothers were visiting her dad's parents. They ended up living there until Cordelia was three years old. At which point they moved abck to the United States to Charleston, South Carolina. This was where Cordelia would grow up and go to school until she was in the second grade.
The year was 2000, the year Cordelia's younger brother would be born. Her older brother had started to exhibit amazing abilities. At first he could bring life back to plants then it was insects, soon he could bring back small animals from the dead. his father was interested in these abilities, but only in what they could do for him. Soon he was approached by someone from Crey Industries. They were going to pay good money to experiment with his son. The Took's would not have to pay a cent, but they would be paid. Samuel gobbled this up as a way to make good money. Maria was hesitant but she agreed only if they would work on their other children to expel the gene that caused this. Cordelia was frightened, and did not want to go with the men in white lab coats, but Maria told her that she would be fine. That would be the last time Cordelia would believe her mother.
It wasn't long before Cordelia could feel her body changing. For a long time Cordelia believed that her parents would come back for her and her siblings, especially her little baby brother Edmund. Soon Cordelia knew she had lost her parents altogether. Eventually Cordelia started to notice a static charge wherever she went, and then it happened. While in the testing room her body released 10,000 volts of electricity. It ruined the testing equipment and took out the electricity in the building. It took the electrician ten days to repair the building. Some parts of the building caught fire from the sparks so it took longer to repair those sections.
Cordelia tried to do this whenever she was sent to the testing room. She succeeded three other times before they invented new equipment to withstand her electric Lynxs. Over the course of the next few years Cordelia was not able to learn how to control her electric power. Eventually when she was thirteen they created a pair of gauntlets to help control the electricity ejected through her hands. This came a year after her older brother Samuel Jr. died. Well that's what the Crey officials told the family, but none of the siblings ever saw a body.
After that incident Maria fought hard to regain custody of her children having divorced Samuel two years beforehand. She no longer believed that Crey Industries could help her family. Maria was granted custody of her children when Cordelia was fourteen years old, but Cordelia resented her mother anyway. Cordelia was rebelious and did whatever she wanted. She looked after her younger siblings, because despite her mother not wanting Crey to have the kids, Maria still did not want to be near them.
When Cordelia was eighteen she moved to Paragon City, hearing wonderful things from the underground about the place, and brought her younger siblings with her. She bought a house with the little money she had, and started a living. She went to the local university to see if they would help her younger siblings still go to school. They said they would do it if the siblings helped fight off the local crime. Cordelia agreed to this and renamed herself Electric Lynx.
Electric Lynx is on Virtue