Fleeting Whisper (Virtue)

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This is the player character, Fleeting Whisper. For other uses, see Fleeting Whisper.

Fleeting Whisper

Fleeting Whisper.jpg

Character Details
Origin Originicon magic.png Magic
Archetype Archetypeicon tanker.png Tanker
Primary Invulnerability
Secondary Super Strength
Other Powers Flight, Speed, Fitness
Security Level 50
Formal Name Unknown
Gender Gendericon male.png Male
Supergroup Exalt


Whisper was born into slavery. He knew his destiny: serve, and die. His master toured the world, and Whisper witnessed amazing sights; sights he could not share with any living being. As a matter of procedure, the slaves' tongues were removed to prevent the spread of their master's secrets. Whisper knew his destiny. But he wanted to change it. This was noticed by the Unconquered Sun, and upon Whisper was bestowed the His rightoueness. Whisper became a Pillar of Heaven, broke free of his imprisonment, and with the resiliance granted by his new patron, regrew his tongue, and now shares his experience with all, brining light to the blind and righteous fury to the creatures of darkness.