Force of Will
The various techniques and effects that collectively comprise Force of Will are a complex structure, indeed. Outright confusing, some have said. Even those of us who actively use Force of Will in our daily lives have some trouble getting our heads around it, and honestly, there's still quite a bit that we do not know, and a least a little that we do know, but really shouldn't spread around. With all of that in mind, I, as the chief pioneer and recognized master of Force of Will, have decided to write this article to clear up some of the questions that many people within and without my Foundation may have regarding this esoteric art.
- -Theo Alteridem, 05/11/2007
What Is Force of Will?
An art, or talent, or skill, or whatever you want to call it, that allows its users several extra-normal abilities, primarily in regards to physical strength, speed, and so on. Only a small fraction of people have the inherent potential to utilize Force of Will, and fewer still ever truly unlock it. More details will be provided below.
What Isn't Force of Will?
- Magic
- A specific mutation
- The result of accidental or intentional scientific effects
- A genetic trait inherited from one's parents
- Something anyone can use
- Proof that its users are somehow superior to ordinary humans
- The next stage in human evolution
- Ultimate or god-like power
- A toy
Who Can Use Force of Will?
Those who have the potential to use Force of Will, and who then unlock that potential. People with the potential make up somewhere around 3% of Earth's population, so if you're not a user, don't get your hopes up. If you do have the potential, the only way to unlock it is through severe physical or mental trauma, so it's extremely dangerous to your health or psyche, if not both, to try to unlock your Force of Will outside of strictly controlled conditions. I unlocked it unintentionally, and I still have the scars to prove it.
What Does Force of Will do For its Users?
There are two varieties of effects that Force of Will has on its users. I call them Baseline and Specific.
- Improved reflexes, strength, and resilience
- Accelerated regeneration
- Increased stamina and endurance
- Improved sight and hearing
- Heightened tolerance for pain and adverse conditions
- Increased resistance to psionic effects
- Strengthened immune system
- The ability to instinctively recognize other Force of Will users, as well as those with the potential to become users
At the Baseline level, Force of Will protects its users from physical and mental harm, as well as improving their ability to detect and react to threats and raising their resistance to heat, cold, pressure, and deprivation of oxygen. It is not at all unusual for a Force of Will user to be able to hold his breath for upwards of an hour and survive multiple bullet wounds in the chest area. Damaged or ruptured vital organs are not nearly as big a problem to the Force of Will user as to a normal person, and lack of food or water take longer to become an issue as well. However, we must constantly remind ourselves that we are neither invincible nor immortal, even though we can take more abuse than the average person.
- Drastically heightened versions of the Baseline effects
- Improved running speed
- Several extra-normal senses
- Self-levitation
- Self-teleportation
- Teleportation of others
- Ability to emit blasts of energy as an attack
- Heightened magical capabilities
Unlike the Baseline level, Specific abilities are, well, specific to the user. The above list is not what any given Force of Will user can expect to have, but rather what current users have been observed being able to do. I fully expect that as the number of Force of Will users grows, so too will the list of Specific abilities.
How Does Force of Will Work?
This is an interesting philosophical and metaphysical question. You'd think that I, the master of the technique, would have a straight answer, but instead I can only give one that has been disputed vehemently by scientists and atheists the world over: Force of Will uses the soul to empower the body. The soul, of course, is the center of the person, and is held down by the imperfections inherent in our mortal, human bodies. To use Force of Will is to cause the soul to partially overcome those limitations, thus allowing ordinary humans the ability to do extraordinary things. The reason so few people may use Force of Will is simply because so few souls have the power to even begin to affect the physical body so greatly.
What are Force of Will's Limitations?
Despite what at least one, now deceased, person used to claim, Force of Will is not proof that its users are Übermenschen or otherwise "superior" examples of humanity. In fact, Force of Will is very limited. It often requires focus and concentration, not to mention stamina, to maintain most of its effects, as well as constant training to achieve those effects in the first place. Force of Will does not make its users invulnerable or unstoppable, nor does it make us more powerful than many of Paragon's other heroes. Statesman could set off my medical teleporter with one punch, and I really don't think much of my chances against any active Freedom Phalanx member.
With a small number of notable exceptions, Force of Will and magic are mutually exclusive. Only Force of Will users with a strong, inborn talent for magic can use it at all, but those who can find their magical power greatly increased by their Force of Will, which fascinates me. I'd like to see a spell that heightens Force of Will, even though the implications are a little disturbing. I personally find it noteworthy that the only people who can use both magic and Force of Will are women, but so far, only two people have been able to use both, and one of those two is dead. That is not a large enough sample to please even the most biased statistician.
Well, I am aware that this probably contains more "what the heck?" and actual answers, but it's all I can really offer. I hope this answers some of your questions, in any case.
- -Theo Alteridem