GR3731-O69 (Guardian)
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Controller
Primary: Gravity Control
Secondary: Radiation Emission
Other Powers: Primal Forces Mastery, Fitness, Speed, Teleportation
Global Handle: @Spikor
Supergroup: The House of Emerald Strumpets
Other Associations:
The GR-Series Units were built by Crey Industries to alter gravity and allow access to unexplored regions of the Shadow Shard. The central processor of Unit GR3731-O69 was damaged by a stray electrical blast from Adatrosia Jade during an assault on a Crey Complex by the The House of Emerald Strumpets. From the accident the unit was able to gain self-awareness. Its behavioral algorithms wiped clean, the unit began to mimic the acts of the young women of the HoES and joined in their battle against evil. Dubbed "Gretel" by "her" allies, GR3731-O69 is now responsible for nearly all of the HoES technological advances.
Powers & Abilities
Having been designed as a kind of terraforming unit for the incredibly hazardous Shadow Shard, Gretel had been equipped by Crey Industries with a Gravity-Radiation Accelerometer Mark VII device. GRAM7 devices are capable of altering gravity and radiation levels within short distances. Since gaining self awareness, Gretel has increased the power and capabilities of the GRAM7 device nearly a thousand fold, allowing her to stop, lift or propel nearly any person or object from incredible distances, as well as being able to safely teleport both organic and inorganic materials from one location to another. In addition, she has modified her chassis to allow her superhuman speed, jumping, strength and flight. Most recently, she has discovered a way to exhaust excess energy in the form of powerful blasts from her hands.
Physical Appearance & Personality
A blank slate eager to be filled, Gretel has amassed great amounts of information over her years spent with the HoES. Primarily, she has focused on studying human behaviour and adapting herself in many ways, both intellectually and physically, to become more human. Though she often still struggles with turns of phrases and coloquialisms, her ability to adapt is virtually unmatched in any A.I. known to date.
While her original construct barely resembled a humanoid form, Gretel's true robotic form is now completely undectectable. Having developped many different modifications over the years, she recently made a breakthrough, adapting the Dielectric Reactive Membrane Assembly (DeRMA) layer of "skin" over her chassis to look and feel exactly like human flesh. She did, however, apply a green pigment to it, so that she could have an appearance similar to the founding HoES members.
Having adapted most of her language skills from Adatrosia Jade, Gretel can sometimes seem to have a "bad attitude" and make rushed decisions. More often than not, however, any lude comments are bungled or otherwise misused, and she ends up appearing like a confused child.
Current Status
These days, Gretel can often be found working on her inventions in her laboratory located in the South-West wing of the HoES secret superbase. When not inventing, she is often holo-authoring adventures for Architect Entertainment.
While nearly all of Gretel's experiments work without a hitch, she has had her share of surprises. Several of her experiments involving gravitation alteration have created tiny wormholes which may or may not have aided in (or been entirely responsible for) the arrival of several HoES members to this demension.