Halo Jones (Liberty)

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Halo Jones
Player: @Roughtrade
Server: Liberty
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Angelica Jones
Known Aliases: N/A
Age: 32
Height: 170.25 cm
Weight: 55.72 kg
Eye Color: Blue : No Pupil
Hair Color: Sky Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero, Scientist
Place of Birth: Chicago
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island, United States
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: N/A
Known Powers
Plasma beam projection and flight.
Known Abilities
Prior to mutagenic change, subject held PhDs in Physics, Astrophysics and Subparticulate Physics.
Halo has a speech impediment.


Halo was discovered by members of the Regulators who were investigating tabloid reports of “Lost Men of the Sewers” on behalf of SERAPH. The sole survivor of an illegal facility researching radical gene manipulation therapy; much of it designed by Crey Industries but with sufficient Rikti adapted equipments to leave doubt as to who was responsible for the installation. No Crey personnel were found in residence and the entire facility was run by "Lost" Aberrants who appeared to have driven out the original owners. Angelica was rescued and taken to Paragon Mercy General for evaluation. DNA testing has proved sufficiently inconclusive to allow Crey Industries to maintain denial, but simple image matching and dental records provide cause to believe that subject is indeed Angelica Jones.

In order to both forestall further investigation by authorities and to provide a means of monitoring and possibly controlling subject, Crey Industries settled out of court to provide Angelica with a rather large stipend on a monthly basis as well as an immediate settlement of one million plus court and medical costs. In return, Crey received sole possession of several patents and all research belonging to Angelica Jones. Ms Jones has publicly stated dissatisfaction with the outcome, but was a ward of the state when suit was brought and could not contest the settlement.

A founding member of Heroics, along with Abrahms, Kara and Rouser. Halo exhibits unlimited potential for energy output. Undetermined changes in her DNA, as well as the ordeal of her captivity, appear to have “disconnected” her memories. Speech patterns are inarticulate and may indicate a level of alien thought processes.


Trauma from the mutagenic process appears to have affected Halo’s mind as well as physiology. Angelica Jones was an articulate and ambitious scientist. She was directly involved in several research projects and under consideration for promotion within Crey, possibly even introduction to the inner circle. Halo Jones displays none of these traits, and appears to have trouble speaking when excited or angry. The scientific curiosity that was a hallmark of Angelica Jones is still evident in Halo, but ambition has been replaced with altruism.

Powers and Abilities

Halo is capable of generation and manipulation of plasmatic forces. Demonstrated capabilities include beam projection and flight. She is capable of generating intense force fields but only for the purpose of self protection.

Prior to mutagenic change, subject held PhDs in Physics, Astrophysics and Subparticulate Physics. There is no reason to believe these skills are lost, though the ordeal of change appears to have damaged subject’s ability to access memories.


Halo relies almost solely on her ability to project energy in the form of semi-solid plasma bursts. She remains at range, using flight to maintain her distance whenever possible. When pressed too closely, subject relies on the dense nature of her emissions to toss opponents a safe distance. She rarely operates alone and provides much of the “heavy firepower” for missions involving the Heroics Supergroup. Most often seen in the company of Abrhams and Rouser, she appears to get along poorly with women.


Angelica Jones possessed a keen mind and held several degrees in engineering and astrophysics. While Halo Jones does not use much in the way of specialized offensive equipment, she has demonstrated an amazing facility to comprehend and make use of alien weaponry found at hand and can be counted on to 'make do' with available technology if cornered. She also has adapted a small medical emergency unit which provides a considerable boost to basic first aid emergencies.

Additional Information

As has been mentioned, the ordeal of her captivity has left Halo with mental damage. Her speech patterns are disjointed and she can become reduced to nearly “baby talk” if in danger or excited. Halo is not stupid nor mentally deficient; she just cannot correctly express herself. According to psychiatric evaluation, her thought patterns are alien. She has not volunteered for psychic scanning and becomes highly agitated if any such 'psionic surgery' is openly contemplated.

Within Paragon's Hero Community, Halo is famous for being unreliable. She does not appear to grasp the concept of keeping to a schedule or making a meeting. She can be counted on as long as she is with companions, but out of sight or on her own, she appears incapable of keeping track of time. She is also distracted by the Lost and tends to attack Aberrants on sight. Halo also has almost no interest in low level crime. She will ignore Outcasts, Skulls and other gang bangers, so long as they are not directly committing a violent action against another person. She doesn’t bust up drug operations, or involve herself with thugs hanging on street corners, even if they are openly in possession of assault rifles. She will react if attacked, or if someone convinces her it is needful, but otherwise ignores them.

See Also

Crey Industries Hero Threat Database : http://www.creyindustries.com/viewhero.php?id=11379 City Info Tracker : http://cit.cohtitan.com/character/24781