Professor Cogwheel (Virtue)
[hide]Early Life
Professor Cogwheel was born Steven Cogwell in 1769, only child of David Cogwell and Laura Miller. Both of his parents were kind and attentive parents who encouraged Steven's rather large imagination. David Cogwell was a clerk for a local apothecary shop. He was always looking for some way to make his fortune, but was never successful in this endeavor. David would often make up intricate tales of far away places and fantastic inventions to entertain Steven. These tall tales only further encouraged Steven's imagination, and he dreamed of one day travelling the world to see all of the wonderful things his father told him of.
The Cogwell Time Theory
Steven Cogwell is responsible for creating a theory known as the Cogwell Time Theory.
There is No Single Timestream
Rather than a single timestream, there are an infinite number of time "threads" interwoven between one another. Furthermore, every decision we make creates an infinite number of new threads. There are an infinite number of realities in which you rule world. There are also infinite number in which you were never born at all. Suffice it to say, if you can imagine it, it exists somewhere on one of these time threads.
It Is Possible To Move From One Thread to Another
As these threads criss cross one another in the weave of reality, it is possible to hop from one thread to the next, given the right equipment. Adjacent threads will tend to be very similar to one another, so the greater the difference the traveler is seeking, the more hops will be needed.
Time Waits for No Man
When you travel between the time threads, time within your own thread continues to pass at a normal rate. If you leave your original thread, and spend 20 years traveling between threads, when you return, 20 years will have passed. Everyone else would have aged the same amount as you. You can not jump forwards and backwards along a thread, only move between them.
There Is No Butterfly Effect
The whole idea that one simple decision made by one single man can alter the fate of the entire universe is not only narcissistic, it is silly. The universe does not revolve around any one person. It never has. It never will. If you do something, it is because you are meant to within that time thread. If you kill a butterfly, and it leads to a chain reaction which results in butterflies (or even humans) becoming extinct on that thread, it is because butterflies (and possibly humans) were not meant to exist on that time thread. It's that simple.
The Journey Begins
Using his Cogwell Time Theory as a basis, Steven Cogwell was able to build the Cogwell Time Probabilty Engine (CTPE). Using the CTPE, Steven Cogwell left his original time thread and set off to explore the wonders of tapestry of time. Unfortunately, his concept of how to find his way back to his original time thread was somewhat flawed and he currently finds himself lost and jumping from thread to thread. During his journey, he came across some travelers from Ouroboros, and made his way here in the hopes that he can find some tidbit of information that will help him correct his mistake. He is, however, still enjoying exploring and is in particular hurry to get back home.