Robokick (Pinnacle)

Origin: Technology
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Shield Defense
Other Powers: Flight, Fitness
Global Handle: @Spikor
Supergroup: The Battling Monkeys
Other Associations:
An early prototype drone designed for the Paragon Police Department, the unit was designed to sweep the streets of Paragon City with a robotic partner Roboshock. Both units were equipped with various communications devices, including police band, satellite, television and radio recievers, as well as a wi-fi connection. The units were designed to constantly scan all forms of media for current signs of trouble and patterns indicating possible locations of future crime. The units had a flawless success rate throughout the testing period.
However, a fledgeling villain had discovered one of the algorithms the robots used to discover crime patterns, and exploited it, setting a trap at a Paragon City Bank. The villain had created a kind of feedback loop which disabled the units descision making matrices. Roboshock was nearly destroyed in the heist, and the precinct Captain ordered the experiment stopped.
However, after months of scanning various media, both units had developed a kind of self-awareness, and an ability to adapt. Robokick, performing the electronic equivalent of vowing revenge, tracked down the villain. Robokick managed to destroy the device which was emmiting the feedback loop, saving its partner. The villain, however, was presumed to have died in the explosion, though no body was ever found.
The same flaw in Robokick's main descision making matrix that causes it to interpret information in a different manner than Roboshock, is what allowed it to be unnaffected by the villain's feedback loop. Because of this, Robokick often makes irrational descisions, rushing into a situation unprepared. Often unruly, one might describe the robot as a loose cannon.
Current Status
A powerhouse force of kicking justice for The Battling Monkeys.
Though perfectly able to learn and understand all known languages, Robokick seems to have difficulty expressing any of them itself, often choosing "leet-" or "textspeak" to communicate its ideas.