Stroud Sisters (Virtue)
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[hide]Nina Stroud
Servant of Recluse
Nina's memory starts from the moment she was inducted into the Widow Program. She was trained in the use of the Widow Maker™ claws, molding her into the deadly killer she is. After a number of successful missions, and largely due to her psionic abilities, she was transfered to train with the Fortunatas. They honed her psychic powers, teaching Nina to use them beyond just a tool to be used in combat.
Some time after her training was completed, Lord Recluse began to take notice, hearing stories about her mission exploits from Arbiters that had worked with her. Seeing the potential she had and the loyalty she held toward Arachnos, he had her conditioned to become an Arbiter herself. Grueling as it was, she ruthlessly completed ever trial thrown at her, coming out with top commendations. She became one of the youngest Arbiters at the age 24.
Since becoming an Arbiter, Nina has had much more time to pursue her true goal; unlocking her memories of before she joined Arachnos. Creating a villainous alter-ego, Synaptic Silence, she only uses her rank as Arbiter in extreme situations, wanting to keep her two personas completely separate. Able to blend in more easily, she can scour the Isles for information pertaining to her past; shady, underworld types tend to have looser tongues when they don't think Arachnos is listening.
Very rarely will she be seen in her Arbiter uniform outside of Grandville or Pocket D (though as often as not wearing street clothes at the D). No one knows the connection between Arbiter Stroud, Synaptic Silence, and Nina Stroud, and when asked about their resemblance, her normal response is, "We're not related. Haven't you heard of the Doppelganger Theory?"